Forty Acres Scholars Program Recognition Report

he Forty Acres Scholars Program inspires and nurtures visionary leaders and helps them use their talents to benefit society.

Our Scholars demonstrate intellectual curiosity and have a track record of outstanding academic success. Most importantly, they have passion and a desire to live out the core values of The University of Texas at Austin.

The three tenets of the program are community, connection, and discovery. It is a transformational adventure that helps individuals reach their full potential, and, alongside academic achievement, focuses on personal development, relationship building, and gaining perspective.

As the only program of its kind administered by an alumni association, Forty Acres Scholars develop a unique relationship with their alma mater and graduate with an extraordinary network of Longhorns standing behind them. 

About FASP

About the Forty Acres Scholars Program 

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Class of 2022

Congrats, Class of 2022!


hroughout their three and a half years on campus, the 20 Scholars in the Class of 2022 have founded businesses, held key leadership positions on campus and in the community, and researched, interned, volunteered, and studied abroad around the nation and the globe—all while supporting one another and working toward a combined total of  26 undergraduate degrees. 

Hannah Bernier

Hannah Bernier

Stamps Forty Acres Scholarship, supported by Glenn and Sally Goss

“The Forty Acres Scholars Program has provided me with the freedom and flexibility to explore my passions in meaningful ways. From learning Portuguese to attending conferences to taking a wilderness medicine course, this program is truly holistic and allows students to engage their entire person through their education. I’m incredibly grateful to everyone in the FASP program for their steadfast support and unwavering kindness, and I know that I’ve made connections for life through the Forty Acres community.”

Phillip Boltan

Phillip Boltan

Stamps Forty Acres Scholarship, supported by the Cockrell School of Engineering

“It is impossible to reminisce about my transformative experiences at UT without the Forty Acres Scholars Program being front of mind. This loving, tight-knit community of Texas Exes staff, alumni, faculty, and fellow scholars have blessed me with their encouragement, mentorship, and friendship and truly enabled me to explore my interests and drive positive impact here in Austin and around the world. They have sparked my confidence to lead student organizations and initiatives and inspired me to expand my horizons and enrich my cultural perspective by studying abroad in both Japan and Denmark. Being a part of this cohort of scholars has not only taught me to chase my dreams, it has also given me the lifelong connections I will need to achieve them.”

Brian Chavez

Brian Chavez

Stamps Forty Acres Scholarship, supported by Lana Jones and Will O’Hara

“My life has been completely transformed by the Forty Acres Scholars Program. From traveling to Israel to learn about one of the most historical and cultural regions in the world to volunteer in free medical clinics in the Dominican Republic, I have grown as an individual through the Forty Acres Scholars Program. These experiences would not have been possible without the generosity of my donors and the support of my peers, family, and Texas Exes staff. Additionally, the FASP community involvement and scholar and alumni events have allowed me to cultivate long-lasting relationships. It is a blessing to have had so many amazing opportunities, and I am inspired to give back to my community and to future rising scholars.”

Marshall Comeaux

Elizabeth Shatto Massey and John H. Massey Forty Acres Scholarship

“Coming to UT Austin is the best decision I have made in my life, and I owe much of the credit for my wonderful experience to the Forty Acres Scholars Program. Many of my best college memories and best friends have come through FASP. The enrichment stipend allowed me to study in Argentina and Spain. The events during the school year introduced me to amazing alumni working both in my field and others. However, the most lasting impact of the program for me is the lifelong friendships I have formed with the other scholars in my cohort. Thanks to the generous donors and the wonderful Texas Exes staff, I could not be prouder to be a Longhorn.”

Abby Criswell

Bransford Trust Forty Acres Scholarship

“I am so grateful for the financial support provided by my donors and other amazing alumni, and the Forty Acres Society members and the FASP staff that made this program an encouraging and uplifting force throughout my experience. It was such a privilege to meet my peers in this program. I am always inspired by these amazing people, and I am beyond excited to see what my fellow scholars will do once they leave the Forty Acres. I could not be more thankful for all the ways that FASP has shaped my experience at The University of Texas.”

Ashish Dave

Barbara and Alan Dreeben Forty Acres Scholarship

“Exciting opportunities, irreplicable support, and lasting connection. I consider the Forty Acres Scholars Program to be a cornerstone of my time at UT-Austin, and I am forever indebted to my donors, Barbara and Alan Dreeben, for making it possible. Because of their support, I was able to maximize my academic experience and pursue a wide variety of professional experiences, both through campus organizations and internships. The Forty Acres Scholars Program also expanded my horizons and pushed me to see the world; I’ll never forget the amazing time I spent interning abroad in Madrid, Spain! Best of all, the Forty Acres Scholars Program gave me an instant group of smart, driven, and sincere friends who opened my world to new possibilities—academic, professional, and otherwise—and inspire me to reach higher every day. I couldn’t be more grateful to my family, the Texas Exes staff, Forty Acres Society members, and campus leadership for helping to make my Forty Acres experience one I’ll cherish forever.”

Anne La Grange

Madison Charitable Foundation Forty Acres Scholarship

“Four years ago, I never would have imagined that my closest friends, best memories, and most unique experiences would be a result of the Forty Acres Scholars Program. From our freshman year scholar retreat, I knew I had found a family on campus. These were my best friends, the people I travelled the world with and only a year later quarantined with. I am forever grateful for the friendships fostered through the program and cannot wait to stay connected as we start our future careers. Apart from the community, the Forty Acres Scholars Program has allowed me to pursue my passions.”

Kerry Mackenzie

Waltrip/Texas Exes Fort Worth Chapter Forty Acres Scholarship

“I came to college with the desire to grow both personally and professionally. No other organization helped me deliver on this goal as much as the Forty Acres Scholars Program. From the transformative mentorship alumni have graciously provided me to the infectious intellectual curiosity my fellow cohort members instilled within me to the ability to intern in Washington, DC and study renewable energy in Denmark debt-free, this program unfailingly gave me the support and tools I needed. I cannot thank my donors—the Waltrip Family and the Fort Worth Texas Exes Chapter—as well as the amazing staff at Texas Exes enough for this life-changing experience.”

Alex Martinez

Cain, Denius, McGill Family Forty Acres Scholarship

“The Forty Acres Scholars Program has given me unique experiences and opportunities. I came into college a bit nervous, but those nerves quickly eroded as I discovered a family away from home. Whether it was through seeing the Milky Way for the first time at Camp Texas, or playing "Murder in the Dark" at our sophomore retreat, or simply having conversations with my fellow scholars on our bus rides, I discovered an inspiring, caring community. Seeing my friends beam with excitement talking about their passions filled me with joy every time and helped me find my true passions. I also got the unexpected but wonderful opportunity to meet Nancy and Mike, who have been some of the most supportive people on my journey. I am forever grateful for FASP, as it fulfilled my childhood dream of becoming a Longhorn, and now I feel even more determined to go out and change the world.”

Lucious McDaniel

George Kozmetsky Forty Acres Scholarship

“David McCullough Jr. once said: ‘Climb mountains, not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world.’ I can only smile when I begin to think about the breathtaking experiences and life-long relationships I have had in great part due to the wonderful community of peers, mentors, and lovers of this institution. I will forever be grateful for the impact that the people within this program have had on my trajectory in life and my outlook on the world. I hope that I live a life that brings pride and honor to this organization that has given me so much.”

Michael Neiswander

Lenora and Walter F. Brown San Antonio Forty Acres Scholarship

“It’s difficult to imagine UT, in all its glory, being made more special by any singular group. For me, that group is the Forty Acres Scholarship Program. Being able to watch new generations experience the magic of this program has reminded me exactly how much it has done for me. It’s truly so much more than a check. The friends I've made through this program are people I plan to be close with for the rest of my time on Earth. What an amazing opportunity with which we've all been blessed!”

Melissa Porras Paniagua

Sylvie and Gary Crum Forty Acres Scholarship

“The University of Texas holds a special place in my heart, and it will continue to do so long after graduation because of this incomparable program. The Forty Acres Scholars Program has given me more than just a community; it has introduced me to 19 unique and talented friends, granted me countless professional and personal development opportunities, allowed me to travel the world, encouraged me to continue pursuing my passions, and given me a home and a sense of belonging. I feel both humbled and fortunate to have been surrounded by so many diverse and talented individuals, and I cannot wait to see the legacy that past, current, and future Scholars will leave on campus.”

Elizabeth Sebastian

Tom and Sally Dunning Forty Acres Scholarship

“The Forty Acres Scholars Program has given me so many amazing opportunities. I have been able to receive an outstanding education at one of the top social work schools in the country, form friendships and bonds with people I never would have met and travel the world. There is so much support and love in this program between the staff, alumni, and scholars. The experience that I have received is invaluable and beyond anything I had ever dreamed for myself. I’m forever indebted to my donors for making this opportunity possible and their commitment toward supporting the social work profession.”

Emily Slaughter

Jeanne L. and Michael L. Klein Forty Acres Scholarship

“The Forty Acres Scholars Program gave me a second family here on campus. I am so fortunate to be surrounded by fellow scholars who inspire me academically, but I can also call my best friends. Being a Forty Acres Scholar meant I joined a community of alumni, scholars and staff that are rooting for my success and helping me follow my passions. I am eternally grateful for my experience here at the University of Texas, none of which would have been possible without my donors, Mickey and Jeanne Klein. Hook 'em!”

Jillian Smith

Friends of Darrell K Royal Forty Acres Scholarship, Marilyn Marshall White Enrichment Award

“The word ‘empowerment’ best describes my experience in the Forty Acres Scholars Program. The alumni, staff, and other scholars all create a community of support. Over the past four years, I have been blessed with unique opportunities to study sustainability in the Republic of Korea, delve into a deep study of World War II, intern in legislative offices, and learn critical languages. The Forty Acres Scholars Program empowers students to achieve their highest goals and pursue opportunities on campus and across the world. Each scholar brings their own perspectives and experiences to the program; however, everyone brings community and the desire to know and support each other to the cohort. The Forty Acres Scholars Program empowered me to pursue life-changing opportunities and support fellow scholars as they do the same. I am beyond thankful to the Friends of Darrell K. Royal and Marilyn Marshall White for this incredible opportunity.”

Michael Smith

Michael Smith

AIM Foundation Forty Acres Scholarship

“The Forty Acres Scholars Program has not only made it possible for me to go to college, but it has also enabled me to study abroad, gain exposure to amazing alumni, and form some of the best friendships I have. My life has been completely changed for the better because of this program and I will forever be grateful for the experiences it granted me at UT.”

Soren Ettinger DeCou

Stuart W. Stedman Forty Acres Scholarship

“How can one measure a college experience? By the number of late nights, aced exams, and lengthy term papers? Those are memorable, but because of the Forty Acres Scholars Program, I will remember my time at UT through the lifelong friends I have made and the valuable connections I have forged. The program gave me the opportunity to focus on thriving at UT and helped me shape my identity and values. I am a better student, professional, and person because of the program. I am so excited to move forward as a Scholar alum and build on the opportunities and skills I have gained here on the Forty Acres.”

Holland Wiles

Texas Exes Dallas Chapter Forty Acres Scholarship

“Growing up I knew I always wanted to be a Longhorn, but my experience at The University of Texas was greater than I could have imagined. The Forty Acres Scholars Program has surrounded me with students who want to excel in their specific major and push me to be my best self. It has given me lifelong friendships that I might never have made being the only Interior Design Scholar. I will miss serving the community, attending sporting events, and the Distinguished Alumnus Awards with my fellow cohort. However, I look forward to attending these events as a UT alum, and to giving back to this wonderful program.”

Austin Witt

Stamps Forty Acres Scholarship, supported by Ellen and Ray Clark

“I came to the Forty Acres thinking that I was from a small town, but I now realize that I was just in a small part of a big, big world. This world needs local change, to be sure, but my peers in the Forty Acres Scholars Program showed me what it looks like to translate local change into global vision. They taught me how to practically think critically, diversely, and differently than anyone else in the room. I have gotten to know my cohort so well that our friendship will be memorialized in the countless future situations in which their diverse range of personal experiences, problem-solving strategies, and core values will stick with me like a mental committee informing my every decision. It would not be an overstatement to describe this opportunity and these people as life-changing.”

Rachel Wood

Stamps Forty Acres Scholarship

“I have endless appreciation and gratitude for the Forty Acres Scholars Program and the community it cultivates, yet when I try to describe the program—I can’t quite find adequate words. It is truly indescribable. Within this program, I have developed relationships with peers and alumni, shared my passion for education in both local and International classrooms, and received support beyond my wildest dreams. I am grateful for a community that is collectively working toward changing the world! I will never forget the phone call offering the Forty Acres Scholarship that changed my life—providing the opportunity for countless memories, large and small, that have made my college experience extraordinary.”

Jackson Bellard

Jackson Bellard

Reno, NV

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Sydney Collins

Austin, TX

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Ethan Davila

Ethan Davila

McAllen, TX

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Daija Esparza

Daija Esparza

San Juan, TX

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Will Florer

Dallas, TX

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Thomas Grannen

Houston, TX

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NIkhil Guddati

Nikhil Guddati

Flower Mound, TX

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Anushka Gupta

Frisco, TX

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Connor Hrachovy

Houston, TX

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Nikita Kakkad

Nikita Kakkad

Austin, TX

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Helen Kalleb

Helen Kalleb

Garland, TX

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Sara Kothia

Sara Kothia

Frisco, TX

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Sophia Li

Murphy, TX

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Amanda Mackenzie

Fort Worth, TX

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Lana Mohamed

San Antonio, TX

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Aria Morgan

Rowlett, TX

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Alice Nguyen

Friendswood, TX

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Amelia Nickerson

Leander, TX

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Devan Patel

Devan Patel

Plano, TX

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Olivia Pierce

Easton, MA

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Walter Stark

Plano, TX

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oday, we are thrilled to introduce you to our 17 new and exceptional Forty Acres Scholars.

Among the incoming class are three founders and CEOs of nonprofits, three founders of school clubs, two STEM leaders, and two researchers. Also in the mix are a high school valedictorian, a high school salutatorian, an Eagle Scout, and three Presidential Volunteer Service Award recipients. Many more are decorated varsity athletes, sports captains, club presidents, accomplished musicians, and AP Scholars with Distinction. Several have written nationally broadcast news stories, illustrated published books, self-produced films screened at the USA Film Festival, and written editorials for local newspapers.

Application process