Committee Chair: Becca Wrench

Duties of the Community Engagement Committee Chair

  1. Attend all board meetings
  2. Host committee meetings outside of the board meetings
  3. Communicate with committee volunteers on a regular basis
  4. Welcome new volunteers to committee via e-mail
  5. Supervise and coordinate the Network’s Project Worldwide Activity
  6. Serve as primary contact to the Texas Exes staff and the partnering organization in regards to Project Worldwide
  7. Work with partnering organizations to plan service activities year-round that will engage Texas Exes and involve their local community.
  8. Plan for promotion and publicity of Project Worldwide as early as possible. Work with the Communications Chair on publicizing the service activity. Take advantage of monthly Network e-mails sent from Texas Exes and social media outlets.
  9. Delegate duties to volunteers, board members and committee members. Appoint team leaders when necessary.
  10. Keep record of the service activity and report to Texas Exes staff (regarding The Project)– submit project, partnering organization used, sign-in sheet for day of activity, number of participants, post-activity evaluations, post-activity report, lessons learned, etc.