In one of the books I know will remain a favorite of mine for years to come, the author invokes a metaphor involving the Argo. A ship from ancient Greek mythology, the Argo was unceasingly repaired until no piece of the original vessel remained in a process of renewal that drove the craft ever forward while immortalizing its notoriety. Despite this fact, the ship, no matter what form it took, was always referred to as the “Argo.”
In many ways, my experiences throughout college-- and life-- have made me a living, breathing Argo. I am perpetually curious, an appreciator of knowledge for knowledge’s sake, and an earnest adventurer of unfamiliar spaces (physical, social, intellectual, and otherwise). My college years have been characterized by immense personal evolution. If I met myself now as the person I was entering college, I likely wouldn’t recognize myself-- and I wouldn’t want it any other way.
I’ve been fortunate enough to discover a professional path that propels my propensity for transformational growth as much as it accommodates it. As a Plan II Major and Philosophy minor, I am challenged to develop critical thinking skills and use them to examine the world around me. The writing focus of these two disciplines has sharpened my ability to share my thoughts with others, thus opening new conversations worth having. With my Government Major, I am challenged to channel my conceptual skills towards developing practical solutions to benefit the communities I am a part of.
Throughout college, I have interned at a host of places spanning the field of government—community research centers, legislative offices, public policy law firms, advocacy organizations, nonprofits, and grassroots civic organizations. At each, I have come to more closely understand the diverse needs of my community and grasped the many sides of public policy. I cannot wait to step into the world of policy as a full-time professional with the insights of each place I have worked at previously whirring in unison in my head like the well-oiled gears of a ship’s engine.
Mentorship has always been one of my North Stars. Caring mentors—my mom, who read to me every day as a kid; my dad, who still coaches soccer teams after I got too old; my sister, who is making a career out of teaching; my former bosses, organization leads, and Forty Acres staff—have hoisted the oars and directed the lighthouse for me. In turn, I am committed to doing the same for others—formally and informally, for people in my spaces and those otherwise in my community. After all, it can get lonely if you are traveling alone.
Like the Argonauts, I might not always know where my destination is (although law school looks likely), or how to get there. However, that won’t keep me from shedding what no longer serves me, building on what does, leading the way for others, and most importantly—enjoying the journey.
Government; Plan II Honors
Honors Program
Plan II Honors
Other Academic Interests
Philosophy Minor
Extracurricular Activities
Archer Fellow; President's Student Advisory Committee Member (PSAC); Speaker of the 114th Student Government Assembly; University-Wide Representative in Student Government; Longhorn Legislative Aide (LLA); Texas Civic Ambassador (TCA); Research Intern with the Annette Strauss Institute for Public Life (ASI); First Amendment Scholar; Legislative Intern with UT System; Public Policy Intern with Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld (Washington, D.C. office); Intern with the Texas Senate Finance Committee; Intern with State Senator Jane Nelson (TX-12); Austin Partners in Education Mentor (APIE); Legislative Assistant with Texas Bluebonnet Girl's State
What drew you to the Forty Acres Scholars Program?
As a high schooler applying to colleges, I wanted it all. I dreamed of being a part of a diverse, thought provoking student body, but I also craved the fellowship and memories only a tight knit group can provide. I simultaneously desired to roam the globe in search of new experiences and knew I couldn’t go without the culture (or the queso!) of my beloved home state. I wanted a university with first-rate academics, but I didn’t want the price tag or competitive atmosphere that normally comes with such a school. Naturally, this was a hard bill to fit, but the Forty Acres Scholars Program manages to check every box. As a scholar, I have the resources to travel and learn anywhere I wish with the guarantee that I’ll always have a home waiting for me in the Lone Star State. I am afforded access to some of the best professors, caring administrators, and dedicated alumni in the world- free of cost. Most importantly, I get to enjoy a community of genuine, curious students who are passionate about a wide array of topics.