I find joy in giving back to the communities that have helped me thrive. In high school, that meant taking on service and leadership positions both at church and in a variety of clubs and organizations. In college, I have spent my time so far exploring my passions for government and business in organizations like Student Government and the University Securities Investment Team (USIT). This year, I plan to give back to these communities by serving as Co-Director for the City Relations Agency in StuGov and a Senior Analyst for USIT. I hope my work in these roles improves the lives of the students around me; for as Mother Teresa said, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”
When I get a break from my classwork, you can find me reading a poem by T.S. Eliot or a short story by Salinger, teasing my cat, playing soccer or trivia with friends, brainstorming startup ideas, or cheering on Longhorn football!
Business Honors; Finance; Plan II Honors
Honors Programs
Canfield Business Honors; Plan II Honors
Other Academic Interests
20th Century Poetry, Entrepreneurship, American History, Financial Markets, Politics, Science Fiction
Extracurricular Activities
Senior Analyst, University Securities Investment Team; Co-Director, City Relations Agency of Student Government; Financial Intern, Austin Growth Capital
What drew you to the Forty Acres Scholars Program?
What drew me to FASP was its commitment to building a strong community centered around scholarship and service to the university. Having a group of friends who were interesting and interested in becoming the best version of themselves right from the beginning of my college experience has proved invaluable. Additionally, the support of the wonderful and caring staff at Texas Exes helped to ensure a smooth transition from my small high school to the behemoth of UT.