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Johnson County Chapter Student Send-off and Trivia Night

Johnson County Chapter, August 3


In 2002 The Johnson County Chapter of The Texas Exes received its original charter and began the mission of supporting The University with pride and dignity at the local level. Our main objective has always been and remains the awarding of as many scholarships as possible to deserving high school graduates throughout Johnson County.

Each year the chapter sponsors civic, academic and social events in an effort to unite UT Alumni as we preserve our stellar history and promote future efforts to ensure that "What starts here changes the world."

Yearly events include:

  • Project Worldwide
  • Texas Independence Day Celebration
  • Scholarship Presentations
  • Send-Off for new UT freshmen
  • Swinging for Scholars Golf Tournament
  • Trivia Nights

If you have questions about the Johnson County Chapter or would like to volunteer for a committee post, please contact the Texas Exes Johnson County Chapter President Belinda Linstrum at

Review in the Cleburne Times

The Texas Exes Johnson County Chapter was featured in the Cleburne Times Review!  Check out the article here.  

Trivia Night

Spike came by to cheer on the trivia participants at our first Trivia Night!

Scholarship Night

Keene Awards

Kenee High School - L-R: Davison Abrantes (Incoming Freshman), Jennifer Gonzales (Incoming Freshman), Mr. Stan Rhone, Winnie Santana (Incoming Freshman), Marianna Tejeda (Scholarship winner), Belinda Linstrum (Scholarship Chair), and Betty Waits (Incoming Scholarship Chair)

Texas Independence Day 2016

Texas Independence Party

A big thank you to State Representative DeWayne Burns and the Exes who came out Texas Independence Celebration!

Project Worldwide - Volunteering with AniMeals:

Project Worldwide is in conjunction with The Project, The University of Texas at Austin’s largest day of service, which takes place the last Saturday of February every year. Texas Exes around the country have extended community service throughout the month of February! Johnson County Exes volunteered with AniMeals which is a pet food program that provides donated dog and cat food to Meals-on-Wheels recipients.

Project Worldwide Pet Food

Johnson County Exes getting ready to deliver pet food for Ani-Meals!


Project Worldwide Lunch

Lunch at Grump's in Burleson after delivering food for AniMeals. 

Swinging for Scholars:

Swinging for Scholars
Swinging for Scholars Thank You