As the son of immigrant parents, I grew up understanding that America is unique in more ways than one. Service through leadership is central to my life, and in high school, I lived it by leading campus organizations, starting my local Youth and Government chapter, and running local political campaigns. At UT, I have pursued opportunities that capitalized on my interests and long-term goals, facilitated my personal and professional growth, and prioritized real-world impact. Some of my most cherished experiences have included serving as the Head of Finance and Strategy for the Texas Rocket Engineering Lab, attending events with the Clements Center for National Security, interning in the Texas Senate during legislative session, and serving in the Student Government Assembly. Today, in addition to helping run my own startup, Politiq, I serve as a senior consultant for Texas Consulting, working with Fortune 500 companies and global nonprofits on some of their most important initiatives. Outside of school, you can find me challenging random people to play tennis or golf, belatedly taking advantage of Austin’s wonderful outdoors, or learning a new language.
Business Honors; Finance; Plan II Honors
Honors Programs
Canfield Business Honors; Plan II Honors
Other Academic Interests
Certificate in Business Spanish; Entrepreneurship; American History; National Security/Defense Policy; Financial Markets
Extracurricular Activities
Co-Founder/CEO, Politiq Inc.; Senior Consultant, Texas Consulting; Councilmember, McCombs Dean's Undergraduate Student Advisory Council; Hometown Recruiter, Canfield Business Honors Program
What drew you to the Forty Acres Scholars Program?
I was most drawn by the opportunity to be surrounded by like-minded, aspirational peers who were committed to building upon past records of exceptional accomplishment. I knew that such a community would push me to pursue excellence and act boldly in doing so, and this has certainly stayed true throughout my time in FASP.
Favorite FASP Memory
My favorite memory will undoubtedly remain Camp Texas during our freshman retreat. I was quite ill, and my cohort buddy, Brian Chavez, moved into a cabin to monitor me for a night. On his way out to meet the rest of our cohort, he encountered a rattlesnake! He ended up with a bloody knee in his rush to escape, and the story perfectly illustrated to me how far our cohort was willing to go for one another.