2024-2025 Board of Directors:
Robert Batts (President)
Dyana Martinez Rojas (Scholarship Chair & President Elect)
Jordan Rojas (Treasurer)
Alaina Harbin (Secretary)
Chantay DeBlanc (Membership Chair)
Katherine Tanner (Communications & Social Media Co-Chair)
Alexandria Aaron (Communications & Social Media Co-Chair)
Chris Munoz (Fundraising Chair)
Michelle Calloway (Philanthropy Chair and Project Worldwide Chair)
Avani Shukla (Texas Independence Day Chair)
Denise Evans (Student Send-Off Chair)
Please don't be shy if you want to get involved; we have various committees that could use help and we welcome new ideas!
Board Members and Chapter Volunteers at our Inaugural Scholarship Fundraising Dinner (2023) pictured with Vince Young and his wife Candice. Photo by Buller Photograpy.