
Why not share the good news?

We know you want to share your Longhorn 100 win with the world. Find event images, official Longhorn 100 marks, and other helpful assets here.

Be sure to tag us!

Tag @TexasExes in your social posts and use #Longhorn100. We want to celebrate with you!

Event Images

Find event images for your Instagram and Facebook posts, stories, and reels. Select a category of images to view and download.

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Social Assets

Social Media Assets and Longhorn 100 Branding

Access official Longhorn 100 marks, social graphics, and information here to help get the word out!

Sample post text:

We're thrilled to be a part of the Longhorn 100 — an award that celebrates the success of the 100 fastest growing Longhorn led businesses in the world! We're looking forward to the rankings reveal in May! #Longhorn100


The Longhorn 100 celebrates the success of the 100 fastest growing Longhorn-led businesses in the world and we're bursting with burnt orange pride today! We're (number) on the list and couldn't be more excited! #Longhorn100