Log In

  1. Go to TexasExes.org
  2. Click Log In in the upper right corner
  3. Enter your preferred personal email address to login to the Texas Exes website. (Use the address you submitted as your preferred email to be contacted by Texas Exes for chapter/network purposes.)    
    *Note: All Chapter and Network leaders will be granted Web Administrator access based on the preferred email address you submitted through the annual renewal form.* 
  4. Reset your password - even if you have previously been able to login to the Texas Exes website, you will need to reset your password. 
  5. You will now have access to your individual Texas Exes Account page that will grant you access to edit your chapter/network web page and create events. 

Find Your Chapter/Network

  1. Hover over “Chapters and Networks” in the top navigation menu and select "Find a Chapter or Network".
  2. Select your chapter or network from the list.

Add an Event Listing to the Web Page 

Chapters and Networks have the ability to create an event listing through our Texas Exes Premium Eventbrite accounts. These event listings will automatically publish to your chapter/network's webpage. 

To access your Premium Eventbrite account (paid for by the Texas Exes Association), use your @texasexes.org email as your username and the credentials provided by Texas Exes Association to login. 

After logging in to your @texasexes.org Premium Eventbrite account, visit https://www.eventbrite.com/help/en-us/ for how-to guides and https://www.eventbrite.com/blog/ for marketing resources and tips.

Replace Cover Photo on your Chapter/Network Web Page

Tip: Images should be...

  • Under 100MB
  • .png, .gif, .jpg, or .jpeg format
  • High resolution and not dependent on legible text. Since the cover photo is large, horizontal, and will have type overlaying it, images that are wide (at least 1200 pixels wide ideally) and where type is not a crucial element are recommended.
  1. From your chapter’s main page click Edit on the orange bar at the top.
  2. Under “Chapter Featured Image” click Remove.
  3. Click Chapter Featured Image to reveal the Select Image button, then click it.
  4. Click Choose File and locate the image you’d like to upload from your computer’s drive.
  5. Select it and click Open.
  6. Once the name of your file appears, click Select Image to upload the image to our server. A small version of the image will appear.
  7. To preview how the image will be displayed, click the Edit button, then Preview. The “9x4” crops show how the photo will display. You can shift the photo up or down in the next step. Close this window/tab.
  8. To change how the image is cropped, adjust the small white crosshairs up and down and click Preview to view the results.
  9. Enter a simple description of the image in “Alternative Text.” This text is useful for those who are visually impaired and may be displayed if an image is unable to load.
  10. Click Save at the bottom of the dialog.
  11. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save to return to your chapter main page.

Add a New Web Page

  1. From your chapter's main page click Create a Chapter Page in the side menu.  
  2. Click Group Node (Standard Page).
  3. Add a page title at the top. This is what will display at the top of the page and in the side menu.
  4. Add your content (see Edit a Web Page below).
  5. Click Save.

Note: Chapter and Network leaders do not have the ability to delete a web page. Please contact the Texas Exes Chapters and Networks staff to have a page deleted. 

Edit a Web Page

  1. Click Edit on the orange bar at the top.
  2. On your chapter’s main page, you can edit text, add photos, change the cover photo, or edit your social media links.
  3. On a secondary page, you can edit text and add photos.


Editing Content

  1. To edit the text on your page click Edit on the orange bar at the top.
  2. Scroll down to the big text entry field. In this box, you can add text and photos (see the following sections) to the body of your page.

Tips: Don’t forget to click Save at the bottom of the page when you’re done. Use the Preview button at the bottom of the page to view your changes without saving.


Formatting Text

Available text formats:

  • Normal, bold, italics
  • Heading 2 (largest), 3 (medium), 4 (smallest)
  • Bulleted and numbered lists
  • Insert Horizontal Line
  • Links and buttons

Tip: To clear applied styles, click the Remove Formatting button that looks like a T with an x next to it.


Create a Hyperlink

  1. Select the text you want to turn into a hyperlink, click the Link icon that looks like two links of a chain.
  2. Type or paste the URL you would like to link to.
  3. Click Save to return to the text editor.
  4. To remove a hyperlink, select the text and click the Unlink button that looks like broken chain links.


Add an Email Address

  1. Select the text you want to turn into an email address, click the Link icon that looks like two links of a chain.
  2. Type mailto: followed immediately by the address. Example: mailto:chapters@texasexes.org.
  3. Click Save to return to the text editor.
  4. To remove an address, select the text and click the Unlink button that looks like broken chain links.


Create a Button

  1. Place your cursor on a new line and type the text of your button.
  2. Highlight the text and click the Link icon (see above).
  3. Type or paste the URL you would like to link to and click Save to return to the text editor.
  4. At the top of the text window, click Styles, then select Link Button.

Tip: The appearance will only change slightly. To view a more accurate preview, refresh the text editor by clicking Source, then Source again.


Add a Photo

  1. To add photos to your page, click Edit on the orange bar at the top.
  2. Place your cursor on a new line and click Embed Image.
  3. Click Choose File and locate the image you’d like to upload from your computer’s drive.
  4. Select it and click Open.
  5. Once the name of your file appears, click Select Files to upload the image to our server.
  6. Click Next in the Review Selected Media dialog.
  7. Select the proportions of your image under Display As. (see chart below)
  8. Choose an Alignment. None (the default) will fill the column from side to side. Left will reduce your image to 25% and embed it on the left side of the paragraph that follows. Right will reduce your image to 25% and embed it on the right side of the paragraph that follows.
  9. Click Embed to return to the Edit screen.
  10. You can delete a photo by either clicking on it or placing your cursor after it and pressing the delete key until it disappears.

Tip: A good use for Align Left and Right is a board member page with headshots accompanied by names. Click the Horizontal Line button between entries to help keep names and portraits aligned.

  • Max Only is your original, uncropped image.
  • 1 x 1      square
  • 3 x 1      landscape super-wide
  • 9 x 4     landscape wide
  • 3 x 2     landscape medium
  • 9 x 10   portrait
  • 2 x 3     portrait tall
  • Max Only (Wrapped in Link) is clickable when a URL is specified


Add a table

As a rule, tables don't reconfigure themselves to fit mobile devices. One that's wider than half a page when viewed on a desktop computer may be partially obscured on a phone. 

  1. Place your cursor on an empty line. 
  2. Click the the Table button in the edit control bar (it looks like a grid).
  3. Specify the number of rows and columns, click Submit, and a small, almost-invisible grid of empty cells will be added to your text.
  4. Add content by clicking in each cell and typing or pasting text. 

Tips: Right-click on the table to Add a Column or Row


Edit Social Media Links

  1. To change or add Social Media links to your page, click Edit on the orange bar at the top.
  2. Scroll down and type or paste the URLs of your social media channels under Chapter Facebook Page, Chapter Twitter Page, etc. Example: https://www.facebook.com/TXExesLA
  3. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page and test the links from your chapter’s main page.

Need Help?

Call us at 1-800-594-3937 or email the Texas Exes Chapters and Networks Department staff.