Welcome to the home of the Texas Exes Association of Henderson County, Texas!
Our group is an independent, non-profit, membership-supported organization that exists to connect its members to each other and to the past, present and future of UT Austin. Anyone interested in The University is welcome to join our chapter - whether you are an alumni or not.
We are a chapter of UT’s official alumni association, The Texas Exes, whose mission is to promote the The University of Texas at Austin - primarily through the giving of schlorships to high school graduates from Henderson County that plan to attend UT Austin. We welcome your tax-deductible donation to the Texas Exes Henderson County Chapter/ Derek D. Daniels Endowed Scholarship.
To get in touch and get involved, please contact the Texas Exes Henderson County Chapter President, Michael Neill, at hendersoncochapter@texasexes.org.
Hook 'em !