Welcome to the Orange Jackets Network
The Orange Jackets Network aims to connect Orange Jackets beyond the 40 Acres and for years after graduation. While our alumni have always been active (once an OJ, always an OJ), the Orange Jacket Network was formally established with the help of the Texas Exes in 2015. The Network has social functions throughout the year to connect all individuals who were once Orange Jackets with each other, as well as with actives. We are excited to also provide opportunities for service, fundraising, networking, and general OJ history chatter.
We work closely with current active OJs and participate in several events throughout the year including the Annual Tailgate, Tap Out, and regional events in a city near you. We also encourage our members to participate in the OJ mentoring opportunity the actives organize.
As Orange Jackets have spanned the world in the years after their graduation, the Orange Jackets Network is working with committees to set up local opportunities to socialize, volunteer, and share in Longhorn Pride. We also occasionally pair up with local chapters of the Texas Exes for game watching, service events, and fundraisers. Be sure to check out our Events page for upcoming events in Austin and around the world.
To get in touch and get involved, please contact the Texas Exes Orange Jackets Network President, Cailyn Stewart, at orangejacketsnetwork@texasexes.org.