he Forty Acres Scholars Program inspires and nurtures visionary leaders and helps them use their talents to benefit society.

Our Scholars demonstrate intellectual curiosity and have a track record of outstanding academic success. Most importantly, they have passion and a desire to live out the core values of The University of Texas at Austin.

The three tenets of the program are community, connection, and discovery. The program is a transformational adventure that helps individuals reach their full potential, and, alongside academic achievement, focuses on personal development, relationship building, and gaining perspective.

As the only program of its kind administered by an alumni association, Forty Acres Scholars develop a unique relationship with their alma mater and graduate with an extraordinary network of Longhorns standing behind them. 

About the Forty Acres Scholars Program 

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Congrats, Class of 2023!

hroughout their three and a half years on campus, the 15 Scholars in the Class of 2023 have founded businesses, held key leadership positions on campus and in the community, and researched, interned, volunteered, and studied abroad around the globe—all while supporting one another and working toward a combined total of  24 undergraduate degrees. 

Chandani Bansal

Chandani Bansal

Vicky and S. Javaid Anwar Forty Acres Scholarship

“The only way that I can describe the Forty Acres Scholars Program is life-changing. Stepping foot on the UT campus as a 17-year-old all the way from Chicago was a surreal experience, but as soon as I opened the doors of the Alumni Center, I knew that I had found my home. I had the opportunity to study under renowned professors and learn across the globe, but more so, it gave me incredible mentorship and lifelong support. I will forever be grateful to the donors, the staff, and my fellow Scholars for allowing me to create memories on the Forty Acres that will last a lifetime.”

Roosh Bhosale

Lowell Lebermann Scholarship; Marilyn Marshall White Enrichment Award

“Four years ago, I was drawn to the drive, passion, and caliber of the Forty Acres community. These Scholars quickly became my closest friends, my family in Austin, and people who push me to be my best. I am grateful to the Lebermann Foundation and Marilyn Marshall White. Their generosity has allowed me to study abroad at the London School of Economics, lead student organizations, and access the best that Texas has to offer.”

Joseph Dowdall

Stamps Forty Acres Scholarship, supported by Barbara and Alan Dreeben

“The Forty Acres Scholars Program has been a wellspring of resources, support, and memories throughout my time at The University of Texas. The Texas Exes staff, donors, and Scholars have created an environment cultivated toward the growth and development of each Scholar. The program has given me my closest friends, my most cherished memories, and the opportunity to engage in endeavors I never thought possible. It's been the highlight of my college experience. Mr. and Mrs. Dreeben, thank you so much for your generosity.Your giving has opened so many doors for me, and I am incredibly grateful.”

Haley Jústiz

Elizabeth Shatto Massey and John H. Massey Forty Acres Scholarship

“Being a Forty Acres Scholar is a dream come true for me. Growing up in a big Longhorn family, I’d always imagined myself at UT Austin, but it wasn’t until I set foot on campus during Finalist Weekend that I really realized I wouldn’t want to call anywhere else home. The Forty Acres Scholars Program has become my second family. I feel constantly inspired by the dedication, diversity, and talent of my fellow Scholars. The friendships we’ve built through this program are the kind that last a lifetime. Every ounce of my heart is grateful to Forty Acres for changing my life—both personally and professionally. This program has opened doors for me greater than I could have ever imagined back in high school, and I thank God every time I think of what this program has done in my life. I’m excited for this group of Scholars to go out and change the world. I cannot thank the Masseys enough for making these incredible experiences and opportunities at UT Austin possible for me. Hook ’em!”

Aditi Merchant

Stamps Forty Acres Scholarship, supported by The Boyce Family

“Being part of the Forty Acres Scholars Program has been a transformative experience and made my time at UT infinitely better. From the tight-knit community of fellow Scholars, staff, and alumni to the endless opportunities to explore my passions using the enrichment stipend, this program has allowed me to grow so much as an individual and truly find my place on the Forty Acres. I am so thankful for everything this program has given me—whether it was allowing me to travel to present my research or publishing the first article on my mental health startup, the support of the Forty Acres Scholars Program has allowed me to reach so many of my academic and professional goals. Regularly meeting supportive, distinguished alumni and being surrounded by kind and driven peers has been a constant source of inspiration for me and I truly believe that each one of us will go on to change the world. I am excited to see what my fellow Scholars accomplish in the coming years and am eternally grateful to the Forty Acres Scholars Program for shaping my UT experience and forever changing the trajectory of my life for the better. Hook 'em!”

Tobechukwu Phillips

Stamps Forty Acres Scholarship, supported by The Milam and Tory Newby Family

“Something that was unheard of in one season of my life became the same thing that changed my life forever. It never dawned on me that I could walk away from college not only debt-free but with once-in-a-lifetime experiences on every continent. The Forty Acres Scholars Program has raised my standards on how I should be treated. I never knew what it was like for my complexion not to be a limiting factor in how people viewed me until I stepped foot into this program. My future will never be the same, and I thank God for this experience every day!”

Sarah Spivey

Carol and Jeff Heller Forty Acres Scholarship

“My experience on the Forty Acres has been defined by the three pillars of the Forty Acres Scholars Program. As a result of the opportunities that FASP provides, I have been able to discover incredible courses, people, and culture abroad; connect with influential mentors around campus; and find my community of peers who support each other in all our endeavors. I am forever grateful for the opportunity to take classes at the London School of Economics, meet distinguished alumni and professors, and connect with my incredible donor, Mrs. Carol Heller. Four years ago, I could not predict how much my life would be influenced by the friends, memories, and opportunities that this program made possible. I have grown so much personally, academically, and professionally as a direct result of this program, and I am forever grateful to everyone who has made these opportunities possible. Thank you to my family, the Heller family, and the Texas Exes for the most incredible experience on the Forty Acres. I cannot wait for the opportunity to give back to this program as a Texas Ex.”

Chris Wang

BHP Forty Acres Scholarship

“Being a part of the Forty Acres Scholars Program is still something I pinch myself about. I will forever be grateful for all the people I met through the program, from fellow Scholars who are now all close friends to the wonderful Texas Exes staff and the amazing yet down-to-earth alumni. I have gotten to explore the world with trips to Dubai, Guatemala, and Spain and had so many great experiences and memories made that would not have been possible otherwise. The Forty Acres Scholars Program has been one of the most defining parts of my time on the Forty Acres. I am incredibly proud to be a Longhorn and cannot thank the program enough for all the opportunities I have been provided. Hook ‘em!”

Meredith Black

Meredith Black

Pauline Allen Gill Forty Acres Scholarship

“I am so grateful to the Forty Acres Scholars Program and the many ways it has enriched my education at UT. From the start of college, this program provided me with a community and connected me with amazing people that continue to inspire me. Being a Forty Acres Scholar has given me the resources, community, and confidence to pursue my goals in college and beyond. With this support, I took on leadership roles on campus, got more involved, and achieved my dream of studying in Madrid!”

Keri Christian

Stamps Forty Acres Scholarship, supported by the Cockrell School of Engineering

“Being a part of the Forty Acres Scholars Program has truly been a pivotal part of my experience at The University of Texas. Going into such a large university, it was such a privilege to have my small cohort and to have the support of the staff and the resources of Texas Exes to rely on. It is truly inspiring getting to meet fellow Scholars from different colleges and hear their stories about all they have achieved. I think seeing their unique perspectives and their ambition has empowered me to explore my own college career and find my own specific place at UT in a way I otherwise wouldn't have. I am incredibly grateful for the past four years.”

Maria Gu

Preston M. "Pete" Geren Forty Acres Scholarship

“I will forever appreciate and cherish the endless life-changing experiences and connections that the Forty Acres Scholars Program has given me. Being a part of such an uplifting support system and community of alumni, donors, staff, and fellow Scholars has allowed me to grow academically, professionally, and socially in ways that I could never have imagined during my undergraduate career. I was not only provided with the resources and ability to explore new interests and opportunities but to also dive deeply into my own passions and share them with others through collaborations in both similar and contrasting fields. Furthermore, I have learned so much from the diverse backgrounds and cultures of my peers and will always be inspired and motivated by the legacy of current, past, and future Scholars. I am proud of everything that we have accomplished as a cohort and cannot wait to see the long-lasting impact of this organization on our journeys ahead.”

Joshua Martinez

AIM Foundation Forty Acres Scholarship

“I always knew I wanted to be a Longhorn, but my experiences in the Forty Acres Scholars Program made my time at UT far better than I ever thought possible. From the very beginning, it made a large campus feel small, and I knew I had found a second family on campus. I was blessed to be surrounded by such a diverse and talented group of fellow scholars, and each one of them inspires me in a different way. The support I have received from my fellow Scholars, Forty Acres Society members, and the Texas Exes staff is something I’ll never forget. Thank you to my donors for supporting my Forty Acres Scholarship to The University of Texas.”

Eliza Pillsbury

Stamps Forty Acres Scholarship, supported by Lana Jones O'Hara and Will O'Hara

“As early as Finalist Weekend, I knew the Forty Acres Scholars Program had the potential to change my life. Now, writing this from Paris, France, where I've gotten to study and intern for seven months thanks to this program, I wish I could tell my high school self that she can barely imagine what is to come. This program gave me not just the financial ability, but more importantly, the confidence and support I needed to embark on this grand adventure, which has been the greatest privilege of my life. My experience abroad encapsulates the many ways in which Forty Acres has come to define my college career and beyond. Thank you especially to Will O'Hara and Whitney Carter for encouraging me from the very beginning.”

Marrissa Rawls

Stamps Forty Acres Scholarship, supported by The Henry and Ann Seals Family

“It would be difficult to describe my experience at UT without mentioning the Forty Acres Scholars Program. From the time I stepped foot on campus, this program has been the backbone of my growth as a Longhorn, student, and person. The Forty Acres Scholars Program has cultivated me with so many opportunities to maximize my educational and professional development while at UT. Not only have I been able to receive support from the program itself, along with its numerous donors and alumni, but also from my cohort with whom I've grown these past four years. I could not be more grateful to the Forty Acres Scholars Program for giving me the support and innumerable opportunities to pursue my passions and become a better version of myself. I am beyond thankful to my donors, the Seals Family and the Stamps Foundation for supporting my growth along the way.”

Arya Saksena

Arya Saksena

Stamps Forty Acres Scholarship, supported by Reba and Ralph Ferrell; Chevron Enrichment Award

“The Forty Acres Scholars Program has provided me with endless opportunities to truly make college the best four years of my life. This program has cultivated some of my closest friendships, fostered my personal and professional development, and helped turn my dream to study abroad into reality. I was able to spend a semester studying in Scotland, expanding my horizons and allowing me to flourish while being so far from home. This growth and these amazing experiences would not have been possible without my encouraging donors, the supportive Texas Exes staff, and my impressive peers—all of whom push me to be the best version of myself. My journey at UT has been a transformative experience, and I am deeply grateful for the whirlwind my college life has been.”

Jackson Bellard

Jackson Bellard

Reno, NV

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Sydney Collins

Austin, TX

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Ethan Davila

Ethan Davila

McAllen, TX

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Daija Esparza

Daija Esparza

San Juan, TX

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Will Florer

Dallas, TX

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Thomas Grannen

Houston, TX

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NIkhil Guddati

Nikhil Guddati

Flower Mound, TX

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Anushka Gupta

Frisco, TX

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Connor Hrachovy

Houston, TX

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Nikita Kakkad

Nikita Kakkad

Austin, TX

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Helen Kalleb

Helen Kalleb

Garland, TX

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Sara Kothia

Sara Kothia

Frisco, TX

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Sophia Li

Murphy, TX

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Amanda Mackenzie

Fort Worth, TX

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Lana Mohamed

San Antonio, TX

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Aria Morgan

Rowlett, TX

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Alice Nguyen

Friendswood, TX

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Amelia Nickerson

Leander, TX

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Devan Patel

Devan Patel

Plano, TX

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Olivia Pierce

Easton, MA

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Walter Stark

Plano, TX

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oday, we are thrilled to introduce you to our 19 new and exceptional Forty Acres Scholars.

Among the incoming class are two founders and CEOs of nonprofits, three founders of school clubs, and two STEM leaders. Also in the mix are three high school valedictorians, three high school salutatorians, and three Presidential Volunteer Service Award recipients. Many more are decorated varsity athletes, sports captains, club presidents, accomplished musicians, and AP Scholars with Distinction.