Chandani Bansal
Chandani Bansal
Naperville, IL
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At Second-Annual Enrichment Symposium, Forty Acres Scholars Share Life-Changing Experiences

Navigating the years at UT holds a multitude of opportunities for students. They join organizations and teams, deepen their creative passions, and immerse themselves in chosen fields of study. While those experiences are an integral part of their years on the Forty Acres, per the motto, students are encouraged to broaden their horizons and explore beyond campus confines. That exploration is what 28 students shared at the second annual Forty Acres Scholars Program Enrichment Symposium on Friday, Sept. 20.  

As a Forty Acres Scholar, students are gifted an enrichment stipend to use at any point in their collegiate career to further their professional or academic goals. The $13,000 stipend facilitates students’ travels abroad, volunteer work for renowned programs, and active learning with professionals, professors and peers in their field. The symposium offered a platform for students to share their travels and teachings gathered as far as Washington, D.C., Madrid, and Hong Kong. 

Scholars who spoke used their money in the past year, participating in internships, research, study, or service. For six sessions throughout the day, students elaborated on their personal and professional development, responding to questions posed by Ann Seals, BS ’81, Life Member, Scholarship Advisory Committee member, and David Jones, BS ’68, MS ’70, Life Member, Texas Exes board member and committee chair. Students offered stories including the biggest challenges, favorite moments, and their primary takeaways.  

Business honors sophomore Lucious McDaniel IV studied supply chain management in Hong Kong through his study abroad program. He and peers from his trip, business honors and finance sophomore Anne La Grange, and business honors and Plan II junior Ashley Deuster, say they not only got to experience a country where they had to learn how to adapt to a new culture, but also got a firsthand look at a business model they hope to pursue in the future.  

“The main reason I chose to go [to Hong Kong] was because I knew this program, more so than anything else, would be immersive,” McDaniel says. “We got to follow packages all the way through the supply chain and see the type of world and global business system that very few people get to see.”  

While the experiences varied for students, many had similar reflective remarks regarding their host countries in comparison with the U.S., observing a degree of privilege they all felt. Following his passion for health care, Min Kim, a junior studying biochemistry, took a medical mission trip to Honduras and was surprised at the lack of simple healthy practices, like washing hands.  

“That was the major culture shock that I had, realizing the gap of privilege is so much greater than I thought,” Kim says. “We have a lot of work to do. It’s not just sending over medics. It’s a bit frightening even—there’s so much work to do—but also it’s a new challenge for us.” 

Mary Margaret Burniston, a junior in humanities honors and human dimensions of organizations, and business honors sophomore Melissa Porras Paniagua, echoed Kim’s cultural observation citing education inequality and pay disparities as places their countries abroad fell short. Their acknowledgment came with a mission to capitalize on the opportunities they’ve been afforded and plans to share them.  

“I conducted all my research on gender disparities in comparison to the United States, and I was very shocked by what I found. There are a lot of tradeoffs, but there are a lot of setbacks and women aren't able to progress as much as they are in the United States,” Porras Paniagua says. "It's something that we're working on here, so I'm going to continue to my research on what can be done in both places.”  

At the end of each session, students seemed to agree they would relive their trips and capitalize on the opportunities if given another chance, especially following lessons in independence and self-reliance. 

The Texas Exes Association thanks Seals, Jones and all the Scholars who shared their experiences at the Forty Acres Scholars Enrichment Symposium. Below is a list of the students who participated in the second annual symposium.  

Internship (Abroad)

Carlyn Crow: The Intern Group; Hong Kong, China

Ashish Dave: The Beacon Fellowship; Madrid, Spain

Emma Rappold: FilmNation Internship at Toronto International Film Festival; Toronto, Canada. Mister Smith Entertainment; London, England. Pathé UK; London, England

Study Abroad (Business Programs)

Marshall Comeaux: CBHP International Management; Buenos Aires, Argentina

Ashley Deutser: Supply Chain Management; Hong Kong, China

Anne La Grange: Supply Chain Management; Hong Kong, China

Lucious McDaniel IV: Supply Chain Management; Hong Kong, China

Shilpa Rajagopal: International Management; Prague, Czech Republic

Michael Smith: CBHP International Management; Buenos Aires, Argentina

Study Abroad

Phillip Boltan: Maymester—Advanced Nanotechnology & Innovation; Tokyo, Japan

Mary Margaret Burniston: Oxford Summer Program; Oxford, England

Will Clark: University of Glasgow; Glasgow, Scotland. Institute of Continuing Education; Cambridge, England

Patrick Molina: Human Biology on the Spanish Coast; Santander, Spain

Melissa Porras Paniagua: French Summer Program; Lyon, France

Lauren Smith: Summer Program in Communications Erfurt (SPICE); Erfurt, Germany

Jill Young: Prague Summer Program; Prague, Czech Republic


Sabrina Benitez: Humanity First—Gift of Health Trip; Antigua, Guatemala

Min Kim: Medical Mission Trip, Honduras

John McDonald: UBELONG; Galapagos, Ecuador

Study Abroad (Semester Away)

Ryan Diebner: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Hong Kong, China

Lindsey Jacobe: IES Barcelona; Barcelona, Spain

Smitha Nagar: University of Edinburgh; Edinburgh, Scotland

Hannah Penley: University of Tampere; Tampere, Finland

Emma Rappold: University of Sussex; Brighton, England

Internship & Research

Brian Chavez: Dell Children’s Medical Center; Austin, Texas

Ricky Cooks: Congressman Lloyd Doggett; Washington, D.C.

Alicia Crespin: ExxonMobil; Houston, Texas

Vikram Ramanathan: Lockheed Martin; Kennedy Space Center, Florida

Austin Witt: City Leadership; Memphis, Tennessee



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Forty Acres Scholars discuss their UT Austin experiences on a panel at the 2019 Enrichment Symposium.

At Second-Annual Enrichment Symposium, Forty Acres Scholars Share Life-Changing Experiences

Navigating the years at UT holds a multitude of opportunities for students. They join organizations and teams, deepen their creative passions, and immerse themselves in chosen fields of study. While those experiences are an integral part of their years on the Forty Acres, per the motto, students are encouraged to broaden their horizons and explore beyond campus confines. That exploration is what 28 students shared at the second annual Forty Acres Scholars Program Enrichment Symposium on Friday, Sept. 20.   As a Forty Acres Scholar, students are gifted an enrichment stipend to use at any point in their collegiate career to further their professional or academic goals. The $13,000 stipend facilitates students’ travels abroad, volunteer work for renowned programs, and active learning with professionals, professors and peers in their field. The symposium offered a platform for students to share their travels and teachings gathered as far as Washington, D.C., Madrid, and Hong Kong.  Scholars who spoke used their money in the past year, participating in internships, research, study, or service. For six sessions throughout the day, students elaborated on their personal and professional development, responding to questions posed by Ann Seals, BS ’81, Life Member, Scholarship Advisory Committee member, and David Jones, BS ’68, MS ’70, Life Member, Texas Exes board member and committee chair. Students offered stories including the biggest challenges, favorite moments, and their primary takeaways.   Business honors sophomore Lucious McDaniel IV studied supply chain management in Hong Kong through his study abroad program. He and peers from his trip, business honors and finance sophomore Anne La Grange, and business honors and Plan II junior Ashley Deuster, say they not only got to experience a country where they had to learn how to adapt to a new culture, but also got a firsthand look at a business model they hope to pursue in the future.   “The main reason I chose to go [to Hong Kong] was because I knew this program, more so than anything else, would be immersive,” McDaniel says. “We got to follow packages all the way through the supply chain and see the type of world and global business system that very few people get to see.”   While the experiences varied for students, many had similar reflective remarks regarding their host countries in comparison with the U.S., observing a degree of privilege they all felt. Following his passion for health care, Min Kim, a junior studying biochemistry, took a medical mission trip to Honduras and was surprised at the lack of simple healthy practices, like washing hands.   “That was the major culture shock that I had, realizing the gap of privilege is so much greater than I thought,” Kim says. “We have a lot of work to do. It’s not just sending over medics. It’s a bit frightening even—there’s so much work to do—but also it’s a new challenge for us.”  Mary Margaret Burniston, a junior in humanities honors and human dimensions of organizations, and business honors sophomore Melissa Porras Paniagua, echoed Kim’s cultural observation citing education inequality and pay disparities as places their countries abroad fell short. Their acknowledgment came with a mission to capitalize on the opportunities they’ve been afforded and plans to share them.   “I conducted all my research on gender disparities in comparison to the United States, and I was very shocked by what I found. There are a lot of tradeoffs, but there are a lot of setbacks and women aren't able to progress as much as they are in the United States,” Porras Paniagua says. "It's something that we're working on here, so I'm going to continue to my research on what can be done in both places.”   At the end of each session, students seemed to agree they would relive their trips and capitalize on the opportunities if given another chance, especially following lessons in independence and self-reliance.  The Texas Exes Association thanks Seals, Jones and all the Scholars who shared their experiences at the Forty Acres Scholars Enrichment Symposium. Below is a list of the students who participated in the second annual symposium.   Internship (Abroad) Carlyn Crow: The Intern Group; Hong Kong, China Ashish Dave: The Beacon Fellowship; Madrid, Spain Emma Rappold: FilmNation Internship at Toronto International Film Festival; Toronto, Canada. Mister Smith Entertainment; London, England. Pathé UK; London, England Study Abroad (Business Programs) Marshall Comeaux: CBHP International Management; Buenos Aires, Argentina Ashley Deutser: Supply Chain Management; Hong Kong, China Anne La Grange: Supply Chain Management; Hong Kong, China Lucious McDaniel IV: Supply Chain Management; Hong Kong, China Shilpa Rajagopal: International Management; Prague, Czech Republic Michael Smith: CBHP International Management; Buenos Aires, Argentina Study Abroad Phillip Boltan: Maymester—Advanced Nanotechnology & Innovation; Tokyo, Japan Mary Margaret Burniston: Oxford Summer Program; Oxford, England Will Clark: University of Glasgow; Glasgow, Scotland. Institute of Continuing Education; Cambridge, England Patrick Molina: Human Biology on the Spanish Coast; Santander, Spain Melissa Porras Paniagua: French Summer Program; Lyon, France Lauren Smith: Summer Program in Communications Erfurt (SPICE); Erfurt, Germany Jill Young: Prague Summer Program; Prague, Czech Republic Service Sabrina Benitez: Humanity First—Gift of Health Trip; Antigua, Guatemala Min Kim: Medical Mission Trip, Honduras John McDonald: UBELONG; Galapagos, Ecuador Study Abroad (Semester Away) Ryan Diebner: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Hong Kong, China Lindsey Jacobe: IES Barcelona; Barcelona, Spain Smitha Nagar: University of Edinburgh; Edinburgh, Scotland Hannah Penley: University of Tampere; Tampere, Finland Emma Rappold: University of Sussex; Brighton, England Internship & Research Brian Chavez: Dell Children’s Medical Center; Austin, Texas Ricky Cooks: Congressman Lloyd Doggett; Washington, D.C. Alicia Crespin: ExxonMobil; Houston, Texas Vikram Ramanathan: Lockheed Martin; Kennedy Space Center, Florida Austin Witt: City Leadership; Memphis, Tennessee

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Forty Acres Scholars discuss their UT Austin experiences on a panel at the 2019 Enrichment Symposium.

At Second-Annual Enrichment Symposium, Forty Acres Scholars Share Life-Changing Experiences

Navigating the years at UT holds a multitude of opportunities for students. They join organizations and teams, deepen their creative passions, and immerse themselves in chosen fields of study. While those experiences are an integral part of their years on the Forty Acres, per the motto, students are encouraged to broaden their horizons and explore beyond campus confines. That exploration is what 28 students shared at the second annual Forty Acres Scholars Program Enrichment Symposium on Friday, Sept. 20.   As a Forty Acres Scholar, students are gifted an enrichment stipend to use at any point in their collegiate career to further their professional or academic goals. The $13,000 stipend facilitates students’ travels abroad, volunteer work for renowned programs, and active learning with professionals, professors and peers in their field. The symposium offered a platform for students to share their travels and teachings gathered as far as Washington, D.C., Madrid, and Hong Kong.  Scholars who spoke used their money in the past year, participating in internships, research, study, or service. For six sessions throughout the day, students elaborated on their personal and professional development, responding to questions posed by Ann Seals, BS ’81, Life Member, Scholarship Advisory Committee member, and David Jones, BS ’68, MS ’70, Life Member, Texas Exes board member and committee chair. Students offered stories including the biggest challenges, favorite moments, and their primary takeaways.   Business honors sophomore Lucious McDaniel IV studied supply chain management in Hong Kong through his study abroad program. He and peers from his trip, business honors and finance sophomore Anne La Grange, and business honors and Plan II junior Ashley Deuster, say they not only got to experience a country where they had to learn how to adapt to a new culture, but also got a firsthand look at a business model they hope to pursue in the future.   “The main reason I chose to go [to Hong Kong] was because I knew this program, more so than anything else, would be immersive,” McDaniel says. “We got to follow packages all the way through the supply chain and see the type of world and global business system that very few people get to see.”   While the experiences varied for students, many had similar reflective remarks regarding their host countries in comparison with the U.S., observing a degree of privilege they all felt. Following his passion for health care, Min Kim, a junior studying biochemistry, took a medical mission trip to Honduras and was surprised at the lack of simple healthy practices, like washing hands.   “That was the major culture shock that I had, realizing the gap of privilege is so much greater than I thought,” Kim says. “We have a lot of work to do. It’s not just sending over medics. It’s a bit frightening even—there’s so much work to do—but also it’s a new challenge for us.”  Mary Margaret Burniston, a junior in humanities honors and human dimensions of organizations, and business honors sophomore Melissa Porras Paniagua, echoed Kim’s cultural observation citing education inequality and pay disparities as places their countries abroad fell short. Their acknowledgment came with a mission to capitalize on the opportunities they’ve been afforded and plans to share them.   “I conducted all my research on gender disparities in comparison to the United States, and I was very shocked by what I found. There are a lot of tradeoffs, but there are a lot of setbacks and women aren't able to progress as much as they are in the United States,” Porras Paniagua says. "It's something that we're working on here, so I'm going to continue to my research on what can be done in both places.”   At the end of each session, students seemed to agree they would relive their trips and capitalize on the opportunities if given another chance, especially following lessons in independence and self-reliance.  The Texas Exes Association thanks Seals, Jones and all the Scholars who shared their experiences at the Forty Acres Scholars Enrichment Symposium. Below is a list of the students who participated in the second annual symposium.   Internship (Abroad) Carlyn Crow: The Intern Group; Hong Kong, China Ashish Dave: The Beacon Fellowship; Madrid, Spain Emma Rappold: FilmNation Internship at Toronto International Film Festival; Toronto, Canada. Mister Smith Entertainment; London, England. Pathé UK; London, England Study Abroad (Business Programs) Marshall Comeaux: CBHP International Management; Buenos Aires, Argentina Ashley Deutser: Supply Chain Management; Hong Kong, China Anne La Grange: Supply Chain Management; Hong Kong, China Lucious McDaniel IV: Supply Chain Management; Hong Kong, China Shilpa Rajagopal: International Management; Prague, Czech Republic Michael Smith: CBHP International Management; Buenos Aires, Argentina Study Abroad Phillip Boltan: Maymester—Advanced Nanotechnology & Innovation; Tokyo, Japan Mary Margaret Burniston: Oxford Summer Program; Oxford, England Will Clark: University of Glasgow; Glasgow, Scotland. Institute of Continuing Education; Cambridge, England Patrick Molina: Human Biology on the Spanish Coast; Santander, Spain Melissa Porras Paniagua: French Summer Program; Lyon, France Lauren Smith: Summer Program in Communications Erfurt (SPICE); Erfurt, Germany Jill Young: Prague Summer Program; Prague, Czech Republic Service Sabrina Benitez: Humanity First—Gift of Health Trip; Antigua, Guatemala Min Kim: Medical Mission Trip, Honduras John McDonald: UBELONG; Galapagos, Ecuador Study Abroad (Semester Away) Ryan Diebner: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Hong Kong, China Lindsey Jacobe: IES Barcelona; Barcelona, Spain Smitha Nagar: University of Edinburgh; Edinburgh, Scotland Hannah Penley: University of Tampere; Tampere, Finland Emma Rappold: University of Sussex; Brighton, England Internship & Research Brian Chavez: Dell Children’s Medical Center; Austin, Texas Ricky Cooks: Congressman Lloyd Doggett; Washington, D.C. Alicia Crespin: ExxonMobil; Houston, Texas Vikram Ramanathan: Lockheed Martin; Kennedy Space Center, Florida Austin Witt: City Leadership; Memphis, Tennessee

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Forty Acres Scholars discuss their UT Austin experiences on a panel at the 2019 Enrichment Symposium.

At Second-Annual Enrichment Symposium, Forty Acres Scholars Share Life-Changing Experiences

Navigating the years at UT holds a multitude of opportunities for students. They join organizations and teams, deepen their creative passions, and immerse themselves in chosen fields of study. While those experiences are an integral part of their years on the Forty Acres, per the motto, students are encouraged to broaden their horizons and explore beyond campus confines. That exploration is what 28 students shared at the second annual Forty Acres Scholars Program Enrichment Symposium on Friday, Sept. 20.   As a Forty Acres Scholar, students are gifted an enrichment stipend to use at any point in their collegiate career to further their professional or academic goals. The $13,000 stipend facilitates students’ travels abroad, volunteer work for renowned programs, and active learning with professionals, professors and peers in their field. The symposium offered a platform for students to share their travels and teachings gathered as far as Washington, D.C., Madrid, and Hong Kong.  Scholars who spoke used their money in the past year, participating in internships, research, study, or service. For six sessions throughout the day, students elaborated on their personal and professional development, responding to questions posed by Ann Seals, BS ’81, Life Member, Scholarship Advisory Committee member, and David Jones, BS ’68, MS ’70, Life Member, Texas Exes board member and committee chair. Students offered stories including the biggest challenges, favorite moments, and their primary takeaways.   Business honors sophomore Lucious McDaniel IV studied supply chain management in Hong Kong through his study abroad program. He and peers from his trip, business honors and finance sophomore Anne La Grange, and business honors and Plan II junior Ashley Deuster, say they not only got to experience a country where they had to learn how to adapt to a new culture, but also got a firsthand look at a business model they hope to pursue in the future.   “The main reason I chose to go [to Hong Kong] was because I knew this program, more so than anything else, would be immersive,” McDaniel says. “We got to follow packages all the way through the supply chain and see the type of world and global business system that very few people get to see.”   While the experiences varied for students, many had similar reflective remarks regarding their host countries in comparison with the U.S., observing a degree of privilege they all felt. Following his passion for health care, Min Kim, a junior studying biochemistry, took a medical mission trip to Honduras and was surprised at the lack of simple healthy practices, like washing hands.   “That was the major culture shock that I had, realizing the gap of privilege is so much greater than I thought,” Kim says. “We have a lot of work to do. It’s not just sending over medics. It’s a bit frightening even—there’s so much work to do—but also it’s a new challenge for us.”  Mary Margaret Burniston, a junior in humanities honors and human dimensions of organizations, and business honors sophomore Melissa Porras Paniagua, echoed Kim’s cultural observation citing education inequality and pay disparities as places their countries abroad fell short. Their acknowledgment came with a mission to capitalize on the opportunities they’ve been afforded and plans to share them.   “I conducted all my research on gender disparities in comparison to the United States, and I was very shocked by what I found. There are a lot of tradeoffs, but there are a lot of setbacks and women aren't able to progress as much as they are in the United States,” Porras Paniagua says. "It's something that we're working on here, so I'm going to continue to my research on what can be done in both places.”   At the end of each session, students seemed to agree they would relive their trips and capitalize on the opportunities if given another chance, especially following lessons in independence and self-reliance.  The Texas Exes Association thanks Seals, Jones and all the Scholars who shared their experiences at the Forty Acres Scholars Enrichment Symposium. Below is a list of the students who participated in the second annual symposium.   Internship (Abroad) Carlyn Crow: The Intern Group; Hong Kong, China Ashish Dave: The Beacon Fellowship; Madrid, Spain Emma Rappold: FilmNation Internship at Toronto International Film Festival; Toronto, Canada. Mister Smith Entertainment; London, England. Pathé UK; London, England Study Abroad (Business Programs) Marshall Comeaux: CBHP International Management; Buenos Aires, Argentina Ashley Deutser: Supply Chain Management; Hong Kong, China Anne La Grange: Supply Chain Management; Hong Kong, China Lucious McDaniel IV: Supply Chain Management; Hong Kong, China Shilpa Rajagopal: International Management; Prague, Czech Republic Michael Smith: CBHP International Management; Buenos Aires, Argentina Study Abroad Phillip Boltan: Maymester—Advanced Nanotechnology & Innovation; Tokyo, Japan Mary Margaret Burniston: Oxford Summer Program; Oxford, England Will Clark: University of Glasgow; Glasgow, Scotland. Institute of Continuing Education; Cambridge, England Patrick Molina: Human Biology on the Spanish Coast; Santander, Spain Melissa Porras Paniagua: French Summer Program; Lyon, France Lauren Smith: Summer Program in Communications Erfurt (SPICE); Erfurt, Germany Jill Young: Prague Summer Program; Prague, Czech Republic Service Sabrina Benitez: Humanity First—Gift of Health Trip; Antigua, Guatemala Min Kim: Medical Mission Trip, Honduras John McDonald: UBELONG; Galapagos, Ecuador Study Abroad (Semester Away) Ryan Diebner: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Hong Kong, China Lindsey Jacobe: IES Barcelona; Barcelona, Spain Smitha Nagar: University of Edinburgh; Edinburgh, Scotland Hannah Penley: University of Tampere; Tampere, Finland Emma Rappold: University of Sussex; Brighton, England Internship & Research Brian Chavez: Dell Children’s Medical Center; Austin, Texas Ricky Cooks: Congressman Lloyd Doggett; Washington, D.C. Alicia Crespin: ExxonMobil; Houston, Texas Vikram Ramanathan: Lockheed Martin; Kennedy Space Center, Florida Austin Witt: City Leadership; Memphis, Tennessee

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Forty Acres Scholars discuss their UT Austin experiences on a panel at the 2019 Enrichment Symposium.

At Second-Annual Enrichment Symposium, Forty Acres Scholars Share Life-Changing Experiences

Navigating the years at UT holds a multitude of opportunities for students. They join organizations and teams, deepen their creative passions, and immerse themselves in chosen fields of study. While those experiences are an integral part of their years on the Forty Acres, per the motto, students are encouraged to broaden their horizons and explore beyond campus confines. That exploration is what 28 students shared at the second annual Forty Acres Scholars Program Enrichment Symposium on Friday, Sept. 20.   As a Forty Acres Scholar, students are gifted an enrichment stipend to use at any point in their collegiate career to further their professional or academic goals. The $13,000 stipend facilitates students’ travels abroad, volunteer work for renowned programs, and active learning with professionals, professors and peers in their field. The symposium offered a platform for students to share their travels and teachings gathered as far as Washington, D.C., Madrid, and Hong Kong.  Scholars who spoke used their money in the past year, participating in internships, research, study, or service. For six sessions throughout the day, students elaborated on their personal and professional development, responding to questions posed by Ann Seals, BS ’81, Life Member, Scholarship Advisory Committee member, and David Jones, BS ’68, MS ’70, Life Member, Texas Exes board member and committee chair. Students offered stories including the biggest challenges, favorite moments, and their primary takeaways.   Business honors sophomore Lucious McDaniel IV studied supply chain management in Hong Kong through his study abroad program. He and peers from his trip, business honors and finance sophomore Anne La Grange, and business honors and Plan II junior Ashley Deuster, say they not only got to experience a country where they had to learn how to adapt to a new culture, but also got a firsthand look at a business model they hope to pursue in the future.   “The main reason I chose to go [to Hong Kong] was because I knew this program, more so than anything else, would be immersive,” McDaniel says. “We got to follow packages all the way through the supply chain and see the type of world and global business system that very few people get to see.”   While the experiences varied for students, many had similar reflective remarks regarding their host countries in comparison with the U.S., observing a degree of privilege they all felt. Following his passion for health care, Min Kim, a junior studying biochemistry, took a medical mission trip to Honduras and was surprised at the lack of simple healthy practices, like washing hands.   “That was the major culture shock that I had, realizing the gap of privilege is so much greater than I thought,” Kim says. “We have a lot of work to do. It’s not just sending over medics. It’s a bit frightening even—there’s so much work to do—but also it’s a new challenge for us.”  Mary Margaret Burniston, a junior in humanities honors and human dimensions of organizations, and business honors sophomore Melissa Porras Paniagua, echoed Kim’s cultural observation citing education inequality and pay disparities as places their countries abroad fell short. Their acknowledgment came with a mission to capitalize on the opportunities they’ve been afforded and plans to share them.   “I conducted all my research on gender disparities in comparison to the United States, and I was very shocked by what I found. There are a lot of tradeoffs, but there are a lot of setbacks and women aren't able to progress as much as they are in the United States,” Porras Paniagua says. "It's something that we're working on here, so I'm going to continue to my research on what can be done in both places.”   At the end of each session, students seemed to agree they would relive their trips and capitalize on the opportunities if given another chance, especially following lessons in independence and self-reliance.  The Texas Exes Association thanks Seals, Jones and all the Scholars who shared their experiences at the Forty Acres Scholars Enrichment Symposium. Below is a list of the students who participated in the second annual symposium.   Internship (Abroad) Carlyn Crow: The Intern Group; Hong Kong, China Ashish Dave: The Beacon Fellowship; Madrid, Spain Emma Rappold: FilmNation Internship at Toronto International Film Festival; Toronto, Canada. Mister Smith Entertainment; London, England. Pathé UK; London, England Study Abroad (Business Programs) Marshall Comeaux: CBHP International Management; Buenos Aires, Argentina Ashley Deutser: Supply Chain Management; Hong Kong, China Anne La Grange: Supply Chain Management; Hong Kong, China Lucious McDaniel IV: Supply Chain Management; Hong Kong, China Shilpa Rajagopal: International Management; Prague, Czech Republic Michael Smith: CBHP International Management; Buenos Aires, Argentina Study Abroad Phillip Boltan: Maymester—Advanced Nanotechnology & Innovation; Tokyo, Japan Mary Margaret Burniston: Oxford Summer Program; Oxford, England Will Clark: University of Glasgow; Glasgow, Scotland. Institute of Continuing Education; Cambridge, England Patrick Molina: Human Biology on the Spanish Coast; Santander, Spain Melissa Porras Paniagua: French Summer Program; Lyon, France Lauren Smith: Summer Program in Communications Erfurt (SPICE); Erfurt, Germany Jill Young: Prague Summer Program; Prague, Czech Republic Service Sabrina Benitez: Humanity First—Gift of Health Trip; Antigua, Guatemala Min Kim: Medical Mission Trip, Honduras John McDonald: UBELONG; Galapagos, Ecuador Study Abroad (Semester Away) Ryan Diebner: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Hong Kong, China Lindsey Jacobe: IES Barcelona; Barcelona, Spain Smitha Nagar: University of Edinburgh; Edinburgh, Scotland Hannah Penley: University of Tampere; Tampere, Finland Emma Rappold: University of Sussex; Brighton, England Internship & Research Brian Chavez: Dell Children’s Medical Center; Austin, Texas Ricky Cooks: Congressman Lloyd Doggett; Washington, D.C. Alicia Crespin: ExxonMobil; Houston, Texas Vikram Ramanathan: Lockheed Martin; Kennedy Space Center, Florida Austin Witt: City Leadership; Memphis, Tennessee

Happy National Voter Registration Day!

Happy National Voter Registration Day!  

The deadline to register to vote for the upcoming Nov. 5 election is Oct. 7, 2019 

Full of towering figures like Barbara Jordan and Laura Bush, MLS ’73, Texas politics have always sparked interest across the country—but not with voters. Based on turnout from the 2016 election, Texas ranks 47 in voter turnout among the 50 states and the District of Columbia, with 55 percent of citizens voting in the general election. A little more than half of individuals registered to vote in Texas made political decisions for the entire state. By participating in elections—by voting, donating, or volunteering— citizens become more active in making their government work best for them.  

In order to vote, Texans must first register. In voter registration, Texas ranks 44th out of the 50 states and the District of Columbia, with only 68 percent of all eligible citizens registered to vote. Applications to vote can be found online on the Texas Secretary of State’s page, or in-person at your county Voter Registrar’s office. To correctly register, an application must be received in the Voter Registrar’s office, or postmarked at least 30 days before an election to be eligible to vote in the election. Remember—if you move, even if only down the street, your voter registration needs to be updated!  

To confirm your voter registration, check it here

By voting, individuals directly influence who makes the decisions that affect their everyday lives. Elected officials influence policies ranging from building new roads to funding public schools. By exercising political engagement, voters empower themselves to positively influence their entire community. According to the National Conference on Citizenship’s Civic Health Index, communities with strong civic health, “have higher employment rates, stronger schools, better physical health, and more responsive governments.” Participating at the ballot box shows that constituents care about how their home is represented locally, at the state legislature, and in Washington, D.C.  

Another way to participate is by donating money to worthy candidates. In Texas, donating money is the most common form of civic involvement, with 46 percent of Texans reporting they give at least $25 annually to a charitable organization. This rate is lower than most other states, ranking Texas 40th.1 By helping to advance candidates that align with personal interest, individuals become increasingly connected and interested in the government.  

When thinking about the upcoming exciting election season, remember to not only check your voter registration, but to talk with your coworkers, neighbors, and friends about how voting ensures that their voice is heard and taken seriously. If you believe that a candidate will represent you and your community to the best of their ability, remember that your donation could bring a candidate one step closer to taking office.  

Your vote is the best way to directly impact who represents you!  


For any questions about how to register to vote or to find your voting location, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Texas Exes Advocacy Department.  



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Texas Capitol Dome

Happy National Voter Registration Day!

Happy National Voter Registration Day!   The deadline to register to vote for the upcoming Nov. 5 election is Oct. 7, 2019  Full of towering figures like Barbara Jordan and Laura Bush, MLS ’73, Texas politics have always sparked interest across the country—but not with voters. Based on turnout from the 2016 election, Texas ranks 47 in voter turnout among the 50 states and the District of Columbia, with 55 percent of citizens voting in the general election. A little more than half of individuals registered to vote in Texas made political decisions for the entire state. By participating in elections—by voting, donating, or volunteering— citizens become more active in making their government work best for them.   In order to vote, Texans must first register. In voter registration, Texas ranks 44th out of the 50 states and the District of Columbia, with only 68 percent of all eligible citizens registered to vote. Applications to vote can be found online on the Texas Secretary of State’s page, or in-person at your county Voter Registrar’s office. To correctly register, an application must be received in the Voter Registrar’s office, or postmarked at least 30 days before an election to be eligible to vote in the election. Remember—if you move, even if only down the street, your voter registration needs to be updated!   To confirm your voter registration, check it here.  By voting, individuals directly influence who makes the decisions that affect their everyday lives. Elected officials influence policies ranging from building new roads to funding public schools. By exercising political engagement, voters empower themselves to positively influence their entire community. According to the National Conference on Citizenship’s Civic Health Index, communities with strong civic health, “have higher employment rates, stronger schools, better physical health, and more responsive governments.” Participating at the ballot box shows that constituents care about how their home is represented locally, at the state legislature, and in Washington, D.C.   Another way to participate is by donating money to worthy candidates. In Texas, donating money is the most common form of civic involvement, with 46 percent of Texans reporting they give at least $25 annually to a charitable organization. This rate is lower than most other states, ranking Texas 40th.1 By helping to advance candidates that align with personal interest, individuals become increasingly connected and interested in the government.   When thinking about the upcoming exciting election season, remember to not only check your voter registration, but to talk with your coworkers, neighbors, and friends about how voting ensures that their voice is heard and taken seriously. If you believe that a candidate will represent you and your community to the best of their ability, remember that your donation could bring a candidate one step closer to taking office.   Your vote is the best way to directly impact who represents you!     For any questions about how to register to vote or to find your voting location, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Texas Exes Advocacy Department.  

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Texas Capitol Dome

Happy National Voter Registration Day!

Happy National Voter Registration Day!   The deadline to register to vote for the upcoming Nov. 5 election is Oct. 7, 2019  Full of towering figures like Barbara Jordan and Laura Bush, MLS ’73, Texas politics have always sparked interest across the country—but not with voters. Based on turnout from the 2016 election, Texas ranks 47 in voter turnout among the 50 states and the District of Columbia, with 55 percent of citizens voting in the general election. A little more than half of individuals registered to vote in Texas made political decisions for the entire state. By participating in elections—by voting, donating, or volunteering— citizens become more active in making their government work best for them.   In order to vote, Texans must first register. In voter registration, Texas ranks 44th out of the 50 states and the District of Columbia, with only 68 percent of all eligible citizens registered to vote. Applications to vote can be found online on the Texas Secretary of State’s page, or in-person at your county Voter Registrar’s office. To correctly register, an application must be received in the Voter Registrar’s office, or postmarked at least 30 days before an election to be eligible to vote in the election. Remember—if you move, even if only down the street, your voter registration needs to be updated!   To confirm your voter registration, check it here.  By voting, individuals directly influence who makes the decisions that affect their everyday lives. Elected officials influence policies ranging from building new roads to funding public schools. By exercising political engagement, voters empower themselves to positively influence their entire community. According to the National Conference on Citizenship’s Civic Health Index, communities with strong civic health, “have higher employment rates, stronger schools, better physical health, and more responsive governments.” Participating at the ballot box shows that constituents care about how their home is represented locally, at the state legislature, and in Washington, D.C.   Another way to participate is by donating money to worthy candidates. In Texas, donating money is the most common form of civic involvement, with 46 percent of Texans reporting they give at least $25 annually to a charitable organization. This rate is lower than most other states, ranking Texas 40th.1 By helping to advance candidates that align with personal interest, individuals become increasingly connected and interested in the government.   When thinking about the upcoming exciting election season, remember to not only check your voter registration, but to talk with your coworkers, neighbors, and friends about how voting ensures that their voice is heard and taken seriously. If you believe that a candidate will represent you and your community to the best of their ability, remember that your donation could bring a candidate one step closer to taking office.   Your vote is the best way to directly impact who represents you!     For any questions about how to register to vote or to find your voting location, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Texas Exes Advocacy Department.  

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Texas Capitol Dome

Happy National Voter Registration Day!

Happy National Voter Registration Day!   The deadline to register to vote for the upcoming Nov. 5 election is Oct. 7, 2019  Full of towering figures like Barbara Jordan and Laura Bush, MLS ’73, Texas politics have always sparked interest across the country—but not with voters. Based on turnout from the 2016 election, Texas ranks 47 in voter turnout among the 50 states and the District of Columbia, with 55 percent of citizens voting in the general election. A little more than half of individuals registered to vote in Texas made political decisions for the entire state. By participating in elections—by voting, donating, or volunteering— citizens become more active in making their government work best for them.   In order to vote, Texans must first register. In voter registration, Texas ranks 44th out of the 50 states and the District of Columbia, with only 68 percent of all eligible citizens registered to vote. Applications to vote can be found online on the Texas Secretary of State’s page, or in-person at your county Voter Registrar’s office. To correctly register, an application must be received in the Voter Registrar’s office, or postmarked at least 30 days before an election to be eligible to vote in the election. Remember—if you move, even if only down the street, your voter registration needs to be updated!   To confirm your voter registration, check it here.  By voting, individuals directly influence who makes the decisions that affect their everyday lives. Elected officials influence policies ranging from building new roads to funding public schools. By exercising political engagement, voters empower themselves to positively influence their entire community. According to the National Conference on Citizenship’s Civic Health Index, communities with strong civic health, “have higher employment rates, stronger schools, better physical health, and more responsive governments.” Participating at the ballot box shows that constituents care about how their home is represented locally, at the state legislature, and in Washington, D.C.   Another way to participate is by donating money to worthy candidates. In Texas, donating money is the most common form of civic involvement, with 46 percent of Texans reporting they give at least $25 annually to a charitable organization. This rate is lower than most other states, ranking Texas 40th.1 By helping to advance candidates that align with personal interest, individuals become increasingly connected and interested in the government.   When thinking about the upcoming exciting election season, remember to not only check your voter registration, but to talk with your coworkers, neighbors, and friends about how voting ensures that their voice is heard and taken seriously. If you believe that a candidate will represent you and your community to the best of their ability, remember that your donation could bring a candidate one step closer to taking office.   Your vote is the best way to directly impact who represents you!     For any questions about how to register to vote or to find your voting location, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Texas Exes Advocacy Department.  

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Texas Capitol Dome

Happy National Voter Registration Day!

Happy National Voter Registration Day!   The deadline to register to vote for the upcoming Nov. 5 election is Oct. 7, 2019  Full of towering figures like Barbara Jordan and Laura Bush, MLS ’73, Texas politics have always sparked interest across the country—but not with voters. Based on turnout from the 2016 election, Texas ranks 47 in voter turnout among the 50 states and the District of Columbia, with 55 percent of citizens voting in the general election. A little more than half of individuals registered to vote in Texas made political decisions for the entire state. By participating in elections—by voting, donating, or volunteering— citizens become more active in making their government work best for them.   In order to vote, Texans must first register. In voter registration, Texas ranks 44th out of the 50 states and the District of Columbia, with only 68 percent of all eligible citizens registered to vote. Applications to vote can be found online on the Texas Secretary of State’s page, or in-person at your county Voter Registrar’s office. To correctly register, an application must be received in the Voter Registrar’s office, or postmarked at least 30 days before an election to be eligible to vote in the election. Remember—if you move, even if only down the street, your voter registration needs to be updated!   To confirm your voter registration, check it here.  By voting, individuals directly influence who makes the decisions that affect their everyday lives. Elected officials influence policies ranging from building new roads to funding public schools. By exercising political engagement, voters empower themselves to positively influence their entire community. According to the National Conference on Citizenship’s Civic Health Index, communities with strong civic health, “have higher employment rates, stronger schools, better physical health, and more responsive governments.” Participating at the ballot box shows that constituents care about how their home is represented locally, at the state legislature, and in Washington, D.C.   Another way to participate is by donating money to worthy candidates. In Texas, donating money is the most common form of civic involvement, with 46 percent of Texans reporting they give at least $25 annually to a charitable organization. This rate is lower than most other states, ranking Texas 40th.1 By helping to advance candidates that align with personal interest, individuals become increasingly connected and interested in the government.   When thinking about the upcoming exciting election season, remember to not only check your voter registration, but to talk with your coworkers, neighbors, and friends about how voting ensures that their voice is heard and taken seriously. If you believe that a candidate will represent you and your community to the best of their ability, remember that your donation could bring a candidate one step closer to taking office.   Your vote is the best way to directly impact who represents you!     For any questions about how to register to vote or to find your voting location, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Texas Exes Advocacy Department.  

Fairmont Austin

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Fairmont Austin Member Benefit


Texas Exes members can enjoy 15% off the best available rate, complimentary self-parking for one vehicle per room and 10% off hotel dining at Fairmont Austin when booking the “Hook ’Em, Horns“ Offer. Upgrade home football weekends, reunions with friends, or any getaway at Fairmont Austin, a Proud Sponsor of Texas Athletics.

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Texas Exes members can enjoy 15% off the best available rate, complimentary self-parking for one vehicle per room and 10% off hotel dining at Fairmont Austin when booking the “Hook ’Em, Horns“ Offer. Upgrade home football weekends, reunions with friends, or any getaway at Fairmont Austin, a Proud Sponsor of Texas Athletics.

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Fairmont Austin

Available to Members, Life Members, Student Members

Texas Exes members can enjoy 15% off the best available rate, complimentary self-parking for one vehicle per room and 10% off hotel dining at Fairmont Austin when booking the “Hook ’Em, Horns“ Offer. Upgrade home football weekends, reunions with friends, or any getaway at Fairmont Austin, a Proud Sponsor of Texas Athletics.

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Fairmont Austin

Available to Members, Life Members, Student Members

Texas Exes members can enjoy 15% off the best available rate, complimentary self-parking for one vehicle per room and 10% off hotel dining at Fairmont Austin when booking the “Hook ’Em, Horns“ Offer. Upgrade home football weekends, reunions with friends, or any getaway at Fairmont Austin, a Proud Sponsor of Texas Athletics.

Forty Acres Scholars News Feed: July 15-19

July 16: Earlier this summer, Holden HopkinsJoe LevinAshley Deutser, and John McDonald traveled to Washington, D.C., to complete Government 312L, a university-wide core curriculum requirement. This class explores the theory and practice of business/government relations, with a particular focus on federal government policy making in the U.S. capital city. The one-week session allowed scholars to meet with policymakers and their staffs, lobbyists, and others to learn more about the nuts and bolts of business-government relations. 

July 17: For the last of our orientation lunches we were pleased to have Tobechukwu Phillips, Marrissa Rawls, and Aditi Merchant join us. It's only 2.5 short weeks until we have all the incoming freshmen join us for the Freshman Retreat! See y'all again soon! 

July 19: This weekend, Vikram Ramanathan will be watching the latest SpaceX launch at his internship at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. As a test engineering intern at Lockheed Martin, Vikram has the opportunity to work closely with the Orion project testing the mechanical aspects of the spacecraft. "This internship has been challenging and extremely interesting so far," he says. "Plus, with the added bonus of witnessing space flight from the base, I've become a 5-year-old enthusiastic, awe-struck kid again!" 



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Forty Acres Scholars News Feed: July 15-19

July 16: Earlier this summer, Holden Hopkins, Joe Levin, Ashley Deutser, and John McDonald traveled to Washington, D.C., to complete Government 312L, a university-wide core curriculum requirement. This class explores the theory and practice of business/government relations, with a particular focus on federal government policy making in the U.S. capital city. The one-week session allowed scholars to meet with policymakers and their staffs, lobbyists, and others to learn more about the nuts and bolts of business-government relations.  July 17: For the last of our orientation lunches we were pleased to have Tobechukwu Phillips, Marrissa Rawls, and Aditi Merchant join us. It's only 2.5 short weeks until we have all the incoming freshmen join us for the Freshman Retreat! See y'all again soon!  July 19: This weekend, Vikram Ramanathan will be watching the latest SpaceX launch at his internship at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. As a test engineering intern at Lockheed Martin, Vikram has the opportunity to work closely with the Orion project testing the mechanical aspects of the spacecraft. "This internship has been challenging and extremely interesting so far," he says. "Plus, with the added bonus of witnessing space flight from the base, I've become a 5-year-old enthusiastic, awe-struck kid again!" 

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Forty Acres Scholars News Feed: July 15-19

July 16: Earlier this summer, Holden Hopkins, Joe Levin, Ashley Deutser, and John McDonald traveled to Washington, D.C., to complete Government 312L, a university-wide core curriculum requirement. This class explores the theory and practice of business/government relations, with a particular focus on federal government policy making in the U.S. capital city. The one-week session allowed scholars to meet with policymakers and their staffs, lobbyists, and others to learn more about the nuts and bolts of business-government relations.  July 17: For the last of our orientation lunches we were pleased to have Tobechukwu Phillips, Marrissa Rawls, and Aditi Merchant join us. It's only 2.5 short weeks until we have all the incoming freshmen join us for the Freshman Retreat! See y'all again soon!  July 19: This weekend, Vikram Ramanathan will be watching the latest SpaceX launch at his internship at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. As a test engineering intern at Lockheed Martin, Vikram has the opportunity to work closely with the Orion project testing the mechanical aspects of the spacecraft. "This internship has been challenging and extremely interesting so far," he says. "Plus, with the added bonus of witnessing space flight from the base, I've become a 5-year-old enthusiastic, awe-struck kid again!" 

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Forty Acres Scholars News Feed: July 15-19

July 16: Earlier this summer, Holden Hopkins, Joe Levin, Ashley Deutser, and John McDonald traveled to Washington, D.C., to complete Government 312L, a university-wide core curriculum requirement. This class explores the theory and practice of business/government relations, with a particular focus on federal government policy making in the U.S. capital city. The one-week session allowed scholars to meet with policymakers and their staffs, lobbyists, and others to learn more about the nuts and bolts of business-government relations.  July 17: For the last of our orientation lunches we were pleased to have Tobechukwu Phillips, Marrissa Rawls, and Aditi Merchant join us. It's only 2.5 short weeks until we have all the incoming freshmen join us for the Freshman Retreat! See y'all again soon!  July 19: This weekend, Vikram Ramanathan will be watching the latest SpaceX launch at his internship at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. As a test engineering intern at Lockheed Martin, Vikram has the opportunity to work closely with the Orion project testing the mechanical aspects of the spacecraft. "This internship has been challenging and extremely interesting so far," he says. "Plus, with the added bonus of witnessing space flight from the base, I've become a 5-year-old enthusiastic, awe-struck kid again!" 

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Forty Acres Scholars News Feed: July 15-19

July 16: Earlier this summer, Holden Hopkins, Joe Levin, Ashley Deutser, and John McDonald traveled to Washington, D.C., to complete Government 312L, a university-wide core curriculum requirement. This class explores the theory and practice of business/government relations, with a particular focus on federal government policy making in the U.S. capital city. The one-week session allowed scholars to meet with policymakers and their staffs, lobbyists, and others to learn more about the nuts and bolts of business-government relations.  July 17: For the last of our orientation lunches we were pleased to have Tobechukwu Phillips, Marrissa Rawls, and Aditi Merchant join us. It's only 2.5 short weeks until we have all the incoming freshmen join us for the Freshman Retreat! See y'all again soon!  July 19: This weekend, Vikram Ramanathan will be watching the latest SpaceX launch at his internship at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. As a test engineering intern at Lockheed Martin, Vikram has the opportunity to work closely with the Orion project testing the mechanical aspects of the spacecraft. "This internship has been challenging and extremely interesting so far," he says. "Plus, with the added bonus of witnessing space flight from the base, I've become a 5-year-old enthusiastic, awe-struck kid again!" 

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