Mentorship Opportunities Available!

Programs across the Forty Acres are looking to connect students and alumni. Want to help?

  • Login to HookedIn and make sure you've checked the “participate in mentor program” check box on your profile. 
  • Check your profile notifications and privacy settings so mentees can contact you.  
  • Go to HookedIn Mentoring and edit your mentor settings to set the number of relationships you want. 
  • Let mentees know you are willing to help by posting in the feed or in your groups.

Login often and check your mentor settings to see if a student or peer has requested help. If so, you can review their profile and if it looks like a good match, accept the mentoring request. Log in today



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Mentorship Opportunities Available!

Programs across the Forty Acres are looking to connect students and alumni. Want to help? Login to HookedIn and make sure you've checked the “participate in mentor program” check box on your profile.  Check your profile notifications and privacy settings so mentees can contact you.   Go to HookedIn Mentoring and edit your mentor settings to set the number of relationships you want.  Let mentees know you are willing to help by posting in the feed or in your groups. Login often and check your mentor settings to see if a student or peer has requested help. If so, you can review their profile and if it looks like a good match, accept the mentoring request. Log in today

Box List 1 - Teaser

Mentorship Opportunities Available!

Programs across the Forty Acres are looking to connect students and alumni. Want to help? Login to HookedIn and make sure you've checked the “participate in mentor program” check box on your profile.  Check your profile notifications and privacy settings so mentees can contact you.   Go to HookedIn Mentoring and edit your mentor settings to set the number of relationships you want.  Let mentees know you are willing to help by posting in the feed or in your groups. Login often and check your mentor settings to see if a student or peer has requested help. If so, you can review their profile and if it looks like a good match, accept the mentoring request. Log in today

Search Result

Mentorship Opportunities Available!

Programs across the Forty Acres are looking to connect students and alumni. Want to help? Login to HookedIn and make sure you've checked the “participate in mentor program” check box on your profile.  Check your profile notifications and privacy settings so mentees can contact you.   Go to HookedIn Mentoring and edit your mentor settings to set the number of relationships you want.  Let mentees know you are willing to help by posting in the feed or in your groups. Login often and check your mentor settings to see if a student or peer has requested help. If so, you can review their profile and if it looks like a good match, accept the mentoring request. Log in today

View List

Mentorship Opportunities Available!

Programs across the Forty Acres are looking to connect students and alumni. Want to help? Login to HookedIn and make sure you've checked the “participate in mentor program” check box on your profile.  Check your profile notifications and privacy settings so mentees can contact you.   Go to HookedIn Mentoring and edit your mentor settings to set the number of relationships you want.  Let mentees know you are willing to help by posting in the feed or in your groups. Login often and check your mentor settings to see if a student or peer has requested help. If so, you can review their profile and if it looks like a good match, accept the mentoring request. Log in today

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