For as long as I can remember, I have always dreamed of becoming an architect. That aspiration started at a young age from playing with Legos and having an expanding fascination towards buildings which led me to study architecture at one of the top universities and programs in the country. My passion for architecture has grown from a simple attraction of how a building looks, to a more complex love understanding the intricacies of the design process and the profound impact that the built environment can have on a person as we live and work in buildings. Architects can positively impact a person’s life through their design, and that is something I dream of doing in my future as I am prepared to do so through my education at the University of Texas. Additionally, the Plan II Honors Program does a fantastic job at supplementing this goal, providing me a well-rounded education in the liberal arts that feeds my constant desire to learn and absorb. My peers and professors in Plan II challenge me intellectually to challenge what is known to be true and synthesize subjects I never imagined could have related. Throughout my time at UT, my drive to make change and leave a positive impact has thrived with my involvement in the Forty Acres Scholars Program, Student Government and Senate positions, and my roles in my fraternity. They have all given me the opportunity make a difference, both small and large across various parts of campus. This drive to create a positive impact on those around me is centered in my desire to help children grow. I have cherished my various opportunities to help kids, like working and volunteering as a camp counselor and leadership member at Camp Kesem and Camp Champions, and mentoring students at a local middle school through Texas for Expanding Opportunities and helping coach their lacrosse team. Additionally, my love for adventure and travel has grown as my life has progressed. The Forty Acres Scholars Program has provided me two fantastic opportunities to study and travel abroad, along with other countless adventures thus far. I look forward to continuing these interests in years to come.
Architecture; Plan II Honors
Honors Program:
Plan II Honors
Extracurricular Activities:
- Student Government – School of Architecture Representative
- Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity – Vice-President
- Undergraduate Architecture Student Council
- Texas for Expanding Opportunities: Martin Middle School Lacrosse Coach
- New Creekside Dormitory Planning Committee
- FASP Finalist Weekend Planning Committee
- Camp Kesem
- Camp Champions
What drew you to the Forty Acres Scholars Program (FASP)?
From my first impressions of the Forty Acres Scholars Program during my Finalist Weekend, the program staff and current scholars constantly mentioned how FASP was so much more than just a full-ride. Of course, attending the University of Texas with no financial worries was an incredible opportunity on its own, but hearing from current scholars, it was the extraordinary programming, connections with faculty and alumni, and being surrounding by a fabulous cohort that makes the Forty Acres Scholars Program so special. Additionally, the program has allowed and encouraged every scholar the opportunity to help shape and grow this new program, and leave a positive mark on the university. In my opinion, I saw no better opportunity to set myself up for success, not only during my college experience but my life after as well.
What makes your scholar cohort unique?
Our cohort is filled with some of the most driven, passionate, creative and compassionate people I have ever had the privilege of knowing. From the start of our Freshman Retreat and Camp Texas experience, our cohort naturally cliqued, giving me some of my closest friends throughout all of college. Our cohort has been so supportive of each other’s endeavors, collaborating on each of our unique skills to help each other succeed in various avenues on and off campus. What I love most about our cohort is our sense of humor and taste for adventure, which has helped foster connections and create lasting memories.
Favorite FASP Memory
My favorite FASP memory was made from spontaneity during our cohort’s Sophomore Retreat at Enchanted Rock State Park. Exemplifying our cohort’s love for adventure, we decided to trek through the maze of caves at the peak of Enchanted Rock. My cohort chose me to lead our group as we crawled through the cave and navigated through its puzzling twist and turns. As we reached the point of total darkness in the belly of the cave, we broke out in song, whistling and humming to create the Class of 2018’s mixtape from the cave. We emerged from the cave as much closer friends that shared a unique memory, knowing only more would be created in the future.
What do you want prospective students to know about The University of Texas?
For being a university with over 50,000 students, I have never felt like just a number nor struggled to find my place on campus. The size of UT serves as its biggest advantage, providing endless opportunities, countless groups and organizations to get involved with, and numerous circles of friends and communities to become a part of. The University of Texas is filled with students that strive to learn, create and find ways to help their peers succeed, and I find that collaborative environment both enriching and unique.