Shop Longhorn Frequently Asked Questions

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How does a business qualify to be listed in this directory?

This resource is intended to support Longhorn-owned or Longhorn-run businesses and provide UT alumni and Texas Exes Life Members the opportunity to promote their businesses.

Why aren’t submissions automatically added to the page?

Before we post a business, we will verify that the individual stated as the UT Austin connection is an alum of the University or a Texas Exes Life Member. Also, in accordance with University of Texas at Austin policy, we will verify that businesses are consistent with the values of the Texas Exes and The University of Texas.

Is the Texas Exes providing financial support to businesses on this page?

No, this is simply a list of businesses. The Texas Exes is not providing financial assistance to specific businesses.

How do I update my existing business listing?

Changes to your existing business listing can be made by submitting the Contact Us form. In the message section of the form, please describe the changes you need. Once changes have been submitted, Texas Exes staff will review and process those changes within 2-3 business days. If you would like more information, or need assistance submitting the form, please email us at



Use of the Texas Exes name and/or registered trademarks by businesses is generally prohibited. Also, please note that the Texas Exes logo, and other UT registered trademarks may not be used by external companies without permission.