Dear Forty Acres Society members ...

Thank you for yet another wonderful and enriching semester for our Scholars in the Forty Acres Scholars Program. You are providing these students with programming that will give them a competitive portfolio as they enter the real world, and are helping shape the leaders of tomorrow. 


“I have done so many amazing things in the past month that I don’t know if I could pick a favorite, but here are some of the highlights.

Cinque Terre is the movie Luca come to life. The water is clear and gorgeous and the colorful buildings built into the valley of the hills is incredibly picturesque. We took a boat tour where we got to see all 5 towns from the water, go swimming, adventure into a cave, and jump off cliffs. I’m pretty sure that I ate fried calamari every single day I was there from the street vendors. In Rome, I did all the typical attractions, but I also went to the Borghese Gallery. At that gallery, I saw works of sculpture by Bernini. They were breathtaking, especially The Rape of Proserpina. The detail of the man’s hand on the woman’s leg is incredibly realistic and soft that I cannot fathom how it was carved out of stone. I also went to Verona and was pleasantly surprised that there was a German Christmas festival happening throughout the city. It was magical and festive and got me in the Christmas mood, even though it is only November! The city and squares were filled with Christmas lights, trees, and vendors selling items and German food.” 

—Elizabeth Sebastian, Forty Acres Scholars Program Class of 2022 

“My abiding feeling while studying abroad has been gratitude.

The opportunities I’ve had this semester while studying at Sciences Po in Paris, France are mind-boggling. A text I sent at the start of the year after bombarding my friends with the new and beautiful things I’d seen so far was: “It is not lost on me how bonkers my life is right now.” Without my family and this scholarship, I wouldn’t have had the resources or confidence to embark on this adventure. I wish I could turn my whole heart inside out to show how grateful I am. For example, this month I got to travel to Istanbul, Turkey, and London, England. Both trips exposed me to a country about which I had plenty of preconceived notions that fell away when faced with my lived experience. I met up with a friend from high school who is currently on her Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship in Alanya, Turkey, so she helped me to navigate everything from the currency exchange rate to the winding aisles of the Grand Bazaar.” 

—Eliza Pillsbury, Forty Acres Scholars Program Class of 2023 

“My primary reason for studying abroad in Paris was because this opportunity would allow me to bridge my two degrees together. I enrolled at ESCP (Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris) after learning that it was a well-renowned school for its marketing program, and because being in France would allow me to put my French Studies major in practice! Most importantly, I was excited to be surrounded by a group of international students for an entire semester. While I love UT and am very happy to be a part of the Business Honors program, classes can feel very homogenous and repetitive. I was excited for a change, for a new adventure.  

I truly enjoyed my experience as an ESCP student. The international student community was everything I wanted and more. I feel so fulfilled after this semester knowing that I made so many new connections, had the opportunity to take unique classes that weren’t offered in Austin, and dive into a completely new academic system.” 

—Melissa Porras Paniagua, Forty Acres Scholars Program Class of 2022 

“Although I’m still adjusting a bit to my classes and a completely different lifestyle, I’m really enjoying myself so far.

In the few weeks that I’ve been here, I’ve met a ton of new people and explored a lot of Edinburgh. I think the theme of my semester abroad will be getting out of my comfort zone. I’ve been used to living in the same city my whole life with the same people, staying a maximum of 20 minutes from my family. Now I’m in a foreign country with barely anyone I know. As I write this report, I’m sitting in a hotel in London with people I met just two weeks ago. 

Looking a few weeks ahead, I have plans to go to Prague for Galentine’s day with some of the new friends I’ve made here. Prague (especially in the winter) has been on my bucket list, so I’m excited to get the opportunity to travel there. I have more holidays than I initially thought I would, so I might plan something for those days. My experience in Edinburgh has been great so far, and I look forward to seeing what opportunities the future will bring."

—Arya Saksena, Forty Acres Scholars Program Class of 2023 

"Study abroad is going well!

I’m wrapping up my second month in Madrid, and I feel like I have learned a lot. I am currently taking three classes at Universidad Pontificia Comillas along with my Plan II Thesis course...While I have been in Europe, I have had the opportunity to travel across the continent during my weekends (as I only have class of Mondays and Wednesdays). So far, I have been to Spain, Portugal, Greece, Italy, and Denmark...My goal for this month is to finish more of my Plan II Thesis and Improve my Spanish.” —Marshall Comeaux, Forty Acres Scholars Program Class of 2022 

Thank you!

—Keri Christian, Forty Acres Scholars Program Class of 2023 

“Hello! The past month has been incredibly stimulating and rewarding.

After spending January getting settled in Madrid, I enjoyed developing a more consistent routine in February. Little constants like reading on the train every morning or eating lunch with the same friends at school helped me gain a sense of stability to then take on more exciting opportunities. I took two weekend trips, one to Valencia and the other to Porto, Portugal. I have been exploring Madrid as well with new friends and discovered several bookstores (that also have great selections in English). I have also been focusing on immersing myself in Spanish through reading, watching shows that my Spanish friends recommended, and conversing with friends. Four of my roommates are fluent in Spanish and we often slip between languages, often without fully realizing it."

—Meredith Black, Forty Acres Scholars Program Class of 2023