Frequently Asked Questions

How are nominations made?

Through our online nomination form. Before you submit a nomination, please consider writing a formal letter of nomination or collecting supporting information for your nominee. This could be their biography, resume, or articles. Letters and supporting documents (PDF format) can be submitted on the nomination form. We accept nominations through October 1 for following year's consideration.

What is the criteria for a DAA or OYTEX nominee?

Nominees must meet the following criteria:

  • Be distinguished in his or her chosen business, profession or life's work and must have received some previous recognition from contemporaries.
  • Be a person of such integrity, stature, demonstrated ability and renown that the faculty, staff, students and alumni of The University will take pride in, and be inspired by, his or her recognition.
  • Have demonstrated a continuing interest in the University of Texas at Austin and in The Texas Exes and must have contributed time, talent or money to one or more programs to benefit the university.
  • In deed or action, reflects and recognizes the importance of his or her education at the University, who demonstrates pride in our alma mater, and whose interest and loyalty are evident.
  • For the Outstanding Young Texas Ex Award, a nominee must be 39 or younger on January 1 of the year in which the award is presented.

Who selects the DAA/OYTEX recipients?

The DAA selection committee and OYTEX selection committee selects the recipients. Selection committee members are anonymous.

Can I request a list of nominees?

Nominees and committee members are kept strictly confidential.

What is the timeframe for nominations and selections?

Nominations are taken year-round; however, Oct. 1 is the deadline for the following year’s nominee pool. Nominee supporting materials are gathered through mid-December in preparation for committee review. The selection committees review nominees from January through April and meet to select the recipients in April or May. 

When are the recipients announced?

After the committee members have made their selections, all recipients are contacted to confirm their availability to participate in the awards ceremony. Once all have confirmed, a Texas Exes press release announcing the recipients will typically go out in June or July.

I nominated a qualified candidate for DAA consideration last year. For the coming year, do I re-nominate them or does the nomination roll forward for consideration again?

DAA nominees will remain in the nomination pool for four years, and OYTEX nominees will remain in the nomination pool for three years.

Can I submit additional information that supports my nomination, such as a letter of recommendation or an article?

Yes, we highly encourage you to submit supporting information for your nominee. If you did not attach a letter or supporting documents to the nomination form when you made the nomination or have additional documents to submit, please email to in PDF format. We accept supporting documents through mid-December.

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