Saturday, August 15

10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

We recommend keeping this page open throughout the day for direct links to panels and breakout sessions. Event links will be made accessible the day before your session.

Event Schedule

10:00 - 10:30 a.m.

Camp Texas Welcome

10:30-11:15 a.m.

College Match-up – Panel #1  

Start the semester right with tips on how to navigate an online learning environment while still connecting with professors and other students. Learn about what your college/school has to offer, as well as ways to connect and get involved.  

Select your meeting room from the list below once prompted to do so by the CT Exec Student Leader. 

Cockrell School of Engineering

College of Liberal Arts

College of Natural Sciences

Moody College of Communications

McCombs School of Business


11:15-11:20 a.m. 

11:20-12:05 p.m.

Living On/Off Campus - Panel #2    

Learn the ins and outs about specific dorms, popular areas around campus for off-campus housing, tips on roommate dynamics, and staying healthy and safe.   

Select your meeting room from the list below once prompted to do so by the CT Exec Student Leader. 

On-Campus Housing

Off-Campus Housing

12:05- 1 p.m.
Lunch Break    

1-2:15 p.m.

Professor Preview  

Meet outstanding faculty members and gain insight on courses and studying at UT.

Select your meeting room from the list below once prompted to do so by the CT Exec Student Leader. 

Professor Panel

2:15-2:20 p.m. 

2:20-3:05 p.m. 

Getting Involved on Campus – Panel #3

Create lasting memories and friendships during your time on the 40 acres. Learn about the many ways to get involved in the variety of student organizations on campus, how to join them, and even how to connect virtually.    

Select your meeting room from the list below once prompted to do so by the CT Exec Student Leader.  

Panel 1 (Alpha: A-K) 

Panel 2 (Alpha: L-Z) 

3:05-3:10 p.m.

3:10-3:50 p.m.

Living in Austin – Panel #4 

Austin is an exciting place to live with much to see, do, and taste—both within and outside of the 40 Acres. Learn about a few of these must-do's and favorites from your fellow Longhorns.

3:50-4:00 p.m. 
Camp Texas Closing 

How to Join and Participate

  1. The day of CT Connections, visit this page to join the live event.
  2. Plan to join 5-10 minutes in advance to allow for troubleshooting if necessary.
  3. Download the Microsoft Teams app for a more robust live event experience. It's free! Just select "Download the Windows app."
  4. Sign into your Microsoft account or select “Join anonymously.”
  5. If the live event hasn’t started, you’ll see the message “The live event has not yet started.”


Don't forget to submit your questions throughout the presentation. All you have to do is:

  1. Select Question & Answer on the right side of the screen.
  2. Type your question in the box and then select Send. If you want to ask your questions anonymously, select Ask anonymously.