Computer Science
Other Academic Interests:
Full Stack Developer Certificate, and AI & Machine Learning Certificate
What drew you to the Forty Acres Scholars Program?
The idea of having a community of people such as friends and mentors who I could rely on was definitely a factor that drew me into the Forty Acres Program. There were also nice benefits such as the enrichment stipend which appealed to me because of the potential for studying abroad or for broadening opportunities such as internships beyond the city of Austin. As I look back, I remember having lots of conversations with friends from my home town who already completed their first year of college, and I noticed a lot of them saying they wished they had a community, maybe more mentors or peers who could have helped them at college. Considering that some of them had full rides, they made me realize that although the money helps, it isn’t everything. So that made me really consider the Forty Acres program, because it comes with a community of friends, mentors, alumni, and people who want you to succeed. And I’m very thankful for that.
What makes your scholar cohort unique?
We are the bounce-back generation from Covid, since we all started high school the first semester after Covid. I feel it makes us more out-going and social because we don’t need to be six feet apart.
Favorite FASP Memory
Playing campfire games at the Freshman Retreat with the whole group was probably my favorite memory already.