“Necesito ayuda,” I heard with a cough from across the room. “Someone needs help!”, I urgently told my mom. She turned to me with a look of weary determination and whispered, “Macy, everyone here needs help.” I spent many hours on a medical mission trip serving at the Obras Hospital in Antigua, Guatemala during the summer of 2022. I was able to interact with more than 60 patients living in dire circumstances. However, where many others may have become despondent due to their situations, I saw that each of these people seemed to exude joy. I believe this joy originated from appreciation for their lives and from the possibility of their recovery, which many of us take for granted. I had the pleasure of meeting people like Friar Leonardo, who, despite being born without an ear, dedicated his life to serving others and found joy in life even before he was restored to full health.
I began to recognize that joy doesn’t originate from a lack of hardships; it comes from deep within. Joy, or “alegria” in Spanish, reaches far beyond one’s circumstances. I now understand that ultimate joy is not realized by living a comfortable lifestyle or achieving a certain standard of living, but rather by serving others. My passion is assisting those in need or in less fortunate situations. This mindset is what has fueled my desire to go into nursing. As Robert G. Ingersol once said, “We rise by lifting others.” This is my aspiration, and this is what brings me joy.
Honors Program:
Nursing Honors
What drew you to the Forty Acres Scholars Program?
I was drawn to the Forty Acres Scholars Program because of the genuine, meaningful connections among all members. I’ve seen firsthand how the program brings together individuals from various backgrounds and encourages open, heartfelt conversation. This ability to connect deeply despite our differences is incredibly appealing to me. I value the chance to engage with peers, staff, and alumni who bring different perspectives and experiences to the table, knowing that these conversations will help me grow as a person. The supportive, inclusive environment of FASP promises not only to enhance my college experience but also to help me build lifelong, authentic relationships!
What makes your scholar cohort unique?
I believe my cohort is unique in how quickly we all became best friends. The love and support we have for one another is both inspiring and refreshing. It’s amazing to think that we haven’t known each other for very long. I know I can turn to any member of my cohort for anything because we are always there for one another—whether it's a study buddy, a hug, or a good laugh. My scholar cohort are truly my people, and I couldn’t be more grateful for every one of them!