A ray of sunshine and a sweet smile, speaking a million words without any vocalization, you are my sunshine. The words I sang in my young kindergarten voice to my dear friend. I don't understand why his legs aren't working, or why he will only smile instead of speak, but never do I question it. At six, your mind is naive and only sees the best of the world, and he was the best. From a young age I have become accustomed to people of all abilities, and as I have grown have made it a priority to boost inclusivity within this world, and destigmatize the stereotype of our friends with disabilities.
Throughout my life I devoted my person to bringing light to such a forgotten and joyful community. Whether it was through best buddies, special Olympics, my club I started SOAR, hanging out friends, or my cheer team, I devoted almost every second to this passion. I was able to be on a cheer team throughout high school which included individuals with and without disabilities. Through this I met some of my best friends and learned lessons that have shaped me into the person I am today. It showed me a career option and an emphasis on leadership.
I am so beyond excited that I get the opportunity to continue to pursue this passion and spread awareness for such an important group of people in my life. The University of Texas has so much to offer and learn from not only within the special education program, but throughout the entire university. I feel so thankful to get to experience it. My mission as a student at UT is to show the world my incredible friends, all of their millions of exceptional abilities.
Special Education
Other Academic Interests:
Child development, and speech pathology
Extracurricular Activities:
Greek life, Austin Young Life Capernaum
What drew you to the Forty Acres Scholars Program?
What drew me to the Forty Acres Scholars Program was the uniqueness found in the people. When I first got an email from the FASP program I didn't quite understand what it was. Growing up in a family of Aggies anything UT was quite foreign to us. However, as the rounds progressed and we eventually got to finalist weekend I began to understand truly how special this program is. Even in a short weekend, I was able to understand that every person is incredibly remarkable, making their own impact on this community. By far the community within this program made me instantly want to be a part of it. It is truly unlike anything else out there.
What makes your scholar cohort unique?
What makes our cohort unique is our energy. From the second finalist weekend started, to the freshman retreat everyone just bounced off of each other energies and it created such a special environment. With the combination of all of our differing interests, passions, and backgrounds. Our energy is high and full of happiness always. It's such a special group of people.
Favorite FASP Memory
I would say my favorite FASP memory was our freshman retreat to lost pines. We truly got to bond and laugh over just about everything. The jokes said and the memories made on that retreat I will cherish for the rest of my life.