I’ve always considered myself a mathlete rather than an athlete. Give me a ball, and I’ll find some way to injure myself. But patterns, puzzles and numbers always intrigued me, and from a young age, I fell in love with mathematics. I sought out every opportunity to learn more, whether through online puzzles, classes, or summer camps. I stumbled upon the world of computer science while looking for new opportunities, and have never looked back. The combination of logic, puzzles and design creates my ideal challenge, and I strive to make as many advancements in the field as possible.
Incredibly grateful for the opportunities I have been given, I always sought ways to give back, particularly in ways I can use my computer science and engineering skills to better my community. I co-founded the College Station Code Society, a coding club that aims to educate and develop aspiring computer scientists. I have enjoyed working as a tutor for math and computer science concepts for several years, leading many bright young minds to their “aha” moments. I helped to found my local branch of the nonprofit GoBabyGo, a charity that constructs modified ride-on toy cars for children with movement disabilities. I participated heavily in schooI clubs, ranging from math club to orchestra to UIL. I’ve worked in research labs, helping create MRI reconstruction tools and early disease detection software using machine learning to hopefully one day save lives. All of these experiences have helped me see how technology can impact people's lives, and has increased my commitment to continue giving back.
Looking forward, I’m faced with many questions, apprehensions, and anticipations. I don’t know what the next 4 years will hold, or what the next 20 years might bring. How much of the world will be fully automated? How have advanced computing and artificial intelligence changed society? What is the human-AI relationship like? But I do know that I have a lifelong family in the Forty Acres Community, and that I will continue to serve those around me the best I can.
Computer Science, planning to add Mathematics
Honors Program:
Turing Scholars
Other Academic Interests:
Business, Physics
Extracurricular Activities:
Freshman Research Initiative
What drew you to the Forty Acres Scholars Program?
The 40 Acres Scholars Program (FASP) encompasses a unique blend of visionary scholars that will represent the best at UT. From orchestra rehearsals, to cramming for Math Club’s competitions, to traveling with friends for UIL, I have always cherished the personal connections through collaboration. Similarly, the 40 acres community encourages developing close relationships through academic collaboration, forming close-knit bonds through shared learning. Additionally, the methods by which FASP creates special connections and opportunities for growth was intriguing to me, and something I had already tried to emulate in my own community. Furthermore, the opportunities within the Texas Exes alumni network that await me as a CS student, especially beyond the classroom, are the primary reasons I fell in love with UT. Becoming a 40 Acres Scholar will undoubtedly ignite my critical thinking skills, allowing me to blaze through novel trails. Beyond campus, I am excited to explore the new “Silicon Valley” in Austin, and this program will afford me unparalleled resources regarding internships and experience within the city. The FASP promises an intimate and transformative journey, along which I will meet countless new friends and make lasting connections. I am certain, with the vision of FASP, I will develop real-world skills necessary for solving problems facing my generation.