Hi! It’s awesome to meet you. One of the first things you should know about me is that I am all over the place, and not just because I’m admittedly somewhat of a disorganized person – which I am working on, by the way. I was born in Seoul, South Korea, raised in the suburbs of Massachusetts, and have proudly been able to call myself an Austinite and Texan for the past eight years (and counting!). I’m passionate about a bunch of things, from sports (go Patriots) and teaching to medicine and music.
In college, this sort of multifaceted-ness has driven me to find some sort of common ground between everything - one of which, for me, turned out to be scientific research. I’m currently an undergraduate researcher in Dr. Tanya Paull’s lab, focusing on protein-protein interactions and DNA DSB repair. I’ve received multiple research fellowships, presented and been awarded at research conferences across the country, and recently co-authored a publication in a major research journal.
And secondly, I’ve found meaning and intersectionality through service. No matter where you are or who you’re working with, you can always help people. That realization, along with my affinity for science, has inspired me to pursue a career in medicine and founded a passion for missions. I’ve been on seven mission trips in college (four medical trips to Mexico and Honduras) and hope to serve abroad later in my career. Locally, I help lead the outreach team and a small group for my college ministry and volunteer at a local primary care clinic, Micah 6 Food Pantry, and low-income housing complexes in South Austin.
In my free time, I like to run, play ultimate frisbee, make music covers with my friends, and watch Netflix dramas.
Biochemistry with Honors
Honors Program
Dean’s Scholars
Other Academic Interests
Research; Healthcare; Sociology
Extracurricular Activities
Undergraduate Researcher, Paull Lab; Global Medical Missions Alliance; Outreach Leader and House Church Shepherd, Crossroads College Ministry; Freshman Research Initiative Peer Mentor; Intramural Flag Football Champion (tried to walk-on...just kidding)
What drew you to the Forty Acres Scholars Program (FASP)?
The people, for sure. Every scholar is so talented, driven, passionate, and unique in their perspectives and interests, and I am continually blown away by their stories and achievements. And beyond that, they are some of the kindest and most down-to-earth people I’ve ever met! To be able to bond and collaborate and share ideas with the most talented students in the entire country, for me, was (and still very much is) thrilling and inspiring. Furthermore, the UT alumni we are connected to not only are extremely diverse and accomplished, but they also sincerely care about and are invested in our college education, experience, and growth. Whether it be through notifying us of internship or research-abroad opportunities or attending our high school senior awards night, the involvement and outreach of UT’s extensive alumni really meant a lot and was important to me. In short, the Forty Acres Scholars community, from current scholars to alumni, is so supportive and close-knit, and constantly motivates and provides opportunities for me to grow and learn.