My whole life I have been drawn to learning, athletics, and people! What better way to combine these than through teaching?! My passion to serve others has led me to pursue a degree in Mathematics in the UTeach Program, with the goal of becoming a high school mathematics teacher and a high school cross country/track coach. I am beyond grateful for the UT faculty, UT staff, and my peers for helping me gather more tools to equip my future students with the knowledge, values, and skills needed to pursue their dreams. In my future classrooms, I hope to create an accepting environment where different cultures are celebrated, different abilities are cherished, and different personalities are appreciated. Most importantly, I want my future students to have fun while learning and know that they are valued more than they can imagine. Throughout my time at UT, I have served in my church's kids ministry, interned at a trail-racing company (Tejas Trails), and student-taught at many different schools around the world, all of which have intensified my passion for this course of study and for my future career. I am constantly humbled and honored to be learning at The University of Texas at Austin. Hook ‘Em!
Mathematics - UTeach Program
Other Academic Interests
Special Education; Physical Education
Extracurricular Activities
Teaching Assistant for the UTeach Mathematics Program; Lesson Plan Designer for the Argument Driven Mathematics Project in the College of Education; College ministry at the Austin Stone Community Church; Kids ministry at the Austin Stone Community Church; Intern at Tejas Trails
What drew you to the Forty Acres Scholars Program (FASP)?
I love how the Forty Acres Scholars Program focuses on a holistic education. The program, the staff, and the other scholars are always encouraging growth in academics, as well as extracurricular activities, culture, and other passions and interests.
What makes your scholar cohort unique?
With our cohort being the smallest cohort in the program, we have all been able to develop great friendships with each other. The amount of encouragement and support for each other is unmatched! I am so thankful for my fellow Class of 2021 Forty Acres Scholars!
Favorite FASP Memory
Our freshman retreat was something that will stick in my mind forever. It blows my mind that this retreat was over three years ago! I will always remember the first night of the retreat when we all stayed up together, laughing and talking all night long. It was in that moment that I knew this group was going to become like family to me!