Books have been my refuge since I was three years old, learning to read with the Madeline picture books. Now, as a scholar and writer, I strive for curiosity, creativity, and empathy in my own work. I'm eager, outspoken, and independent in personal relationships and professional settings. I can trace the development of these core characteristics across my bookshelf — from A Wrinkle in Time to Strunk & White's iconic Elements of Style, to Pride and Prejudice and The White Album.
With the support of the Forty Acres Scholars Program, I've worked as an editorial intern at local and national levels, a senior editor for the University's premier arts & culture magazine, and a manager at an indie bookstore in Paris, France. I'm passionate about literary nonfiction and personal narrative, with a vested interest, too, in upmarket fiction. In 2022, I read 97 books from a myriad of genres. My ability to read quickly without sacrificing critical analysis serves me in my most recent role managing queries for the literary agency Massie & McQuilkin. It is also a testament to my intrinsic motivation: Stories are the way I make sense of the world.
After my graduation in May of 2023, I plan to pursue a career in publishing & media. I know I will look back and count Forty Acres among the most defining experiences of my college career. This community is invaluable, and I can't wait to contribute in new ways as a soon-to-be Texas Ex.
Journalism; Plan II Honors
Honors Program
Plan II Honors
Other Academic Interests
Minor in English; Certificate in Core Texts & Ideas
Extracurricular Activities
Internships at MMQ Lit and Bat City Review, study abroad at Sciences Po Paris, writer & editor for Spark Magazine, teaching assistant for the Hertog Foundation
What drew you to the Forty Acres Scholars Program?
At Finalist Weekend, I remember thinking that the Forty Acres Scholars Program seemed too good to be true. How was it possible that these accomplished individuals supported each other instead of seeing their fellow scholars as competition? I quickly learned that this mutual respect is what makes the Forty Acres Scholars Program so special. The other members of my cohort are pursuing wildly different interests than I am, which is an opportunity for me to learn from them and encourage them. I know they would do the same for me.
Favorite FASP Memory
Our senior trip to Mexico City was unforgettable in more ways than one! It was my first time in Mexico, and I got to cross so many things off of my bucket list. More meaningfully, I pushed myself so far out of my comfort zone, which I wouldn't have had the courage to do without the unflagging support of my fellow scholars. We ate crickets and stumbled across volcanic peaks. We experienced the most vibrant, surprising, delicious, and precious parts of Mexican culture. I felt so privileged to be in a program that prioritizes global exposure. It was such a full circle moment to reflect back on our freshman retreat, when none of us had any idea how much we would learn and grow together. We had all of college ahead of us, but now the whole world is at our fingertips.
What do you want prospective students to know about The University of Texas?
If you think you know what the University of Texas has to offer you, think bigger. As a Forty Acres Scholar, you will have all of the resources of an internationally renowned research institution, plus the caring, individualized attention of its alumni association. With your imagination and ambition, you can craft a college experience that will uniquely position you among your peers to succeed.