Local Impact of UT Austin

Across the state, UT Austin alumni generated approximately $8.8 billion of added income, or the equivalent of adding more than 133,000 new jobs, in 2013 alone.

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Economic Impact Equivalents


Additional Jobs Generated by Alumni


Added Income Generated by Alumni

UT Presence

3,215 (3.00%)

Number of UT Alumni


Registered UT Advocates


Undergraduates Enrolled


Graduate Students Enrolled

District Population



91,932 (11.00%)

Population with BA or higher

State Legislator

district 03 Robert Nichols

Sen. Robert Nichols

District 3, R-Jacksonville

Use your voice to amplify this message. Become a UT Advocate and contact your legislator today.

The data reflected for this district is approximated based on statewide multipliers that factor in increased earnings resulting from a degree.

NOTE: These totals omit Montgomery County. Senate District 3 represents a portion of Montgomery County.