Budget Talking Points
Posted May 25, 2018

- Tier one research universities are engines that power the Texas economy. They benefit all Texans, not just students and employees.
- The proposed Senate budget cuts UT-Austin appropriations for core academic funding and special items by 10%, which is roughly $48 million.
- The proposal has moved funding for some special items into grants through the AUF, rather than state appropriations. This is a bad precedent to set, because it lowers the state’s long term investment in higher education.
- The Senate budget does not include the Dell Medical School in health-related formula funding, only funding it at $1.1, which could result in a loss of more than a $10M.
- The current proposal could damage our state’s future by continuing the systemic divestment of public higher education. Since 1984, UT-Austin has seen a more than 40% decrease in state funding.
- We want our students to receive hands-on educational experiences that give them a competitive edge in jobs after college.
- Public higher education provides an excellent education at a competitive and affordable price.
- UT-Austin alumni generate $6.2 billion in state income to the Texas economy annually across a broad range of industries that help keep our state competitive.
- UT-Austin brought more than $1 billion in government research grants to our state over the past two years, which is equal to adding 8,000 new jobs.
- The proposed budget for UT-Austin is harmful to our state’s workforce and economic vitality. We cannot advance and stay competitive without a well-educated citizenry.
- All alumni, business leaders, and Texans should be deeply concerned by the proposal being considered in the Senate. It is bad for business and bad for Texas families.
- President Fenves has made value and affordability major priorities for UT-Austin. The tuition freeze comes just as the legislature is making cuts to funding. This will tie the hands of the university.
- Companies are moving here precisely because we have a strong, well-educated workforce. We create leaders and build knowledge through research that benefits every corner of our state.