Join our "Lifting as We Climb Circle": The Black Alumni Network's Legacy Endowment Scholarship

We are excited to announce an ambitious goal that embodies our continued commitment to empowering future generations of Black students at the University of Texas: Growing our Legacy Endowment Scholarship to $1M by 2027.

We firmly believe in the power of education and the impact it can have on individuals, families, and communities. Our Legacy Endowment Scholarship is a cornerstone of our mission to support and uplift Black students pursuing higher education.

The Challenge:

To achieve this monumental milestone, we need your help. We are calling upon 800 passionate alumni and supporters who share our vision to join our Lifting as We Climb Circle and donate $1,000 over the course of three years.

We understand that everyone's financial situation is unique, so we have designed flexible, payment plans to accommodate your preferences:

Option 1: One-Year Commitment

Option 2: Two-Year Commitment

  • Spread your donation over two years, contributing $500 per year or monthly payments of ~$42. 

Option 3: Three-Year Commitment

  • Choose a three-year plan, contributing $333 per year or monthly payments of ~$28.

By offering these payment options to our Lifting as We Climb Circle members, we aim to make it convenient for you to participate in this meaningful endeavor, regardless of your financial situation. Every contribution brings us closer to our goal and is also tax deductible.  At the completion of your Lifting as We Climb pledge, you will also be denoted as a Legacy Griot.

To make an outright gift (no monthly payments), please use this giving link

To make a pledge and give over time, please use this giving link

Why This Matters:

Financial hardship is a barrier to matriculation and catalyst of churn for many Black students; given the recent changes to DEI per the passing of S.B. #17, several DEI initiatives will no longer be funded.  Your support will enable us to provide more substantial and sustainable financial assistance to Black students at UT. It means breaking down barriers, opening doors, and creating opportunities that can change lives.

Be Part of the Lifting as We Climb Circle:

Join our Lifting as We Climb Circle in making history and leaving a legacy that will impact generations to come. Together, we can build a $1M endowment that will support the dreams and aspirations of countless deserving Black students.

Ready to get started? Choose your preferred payment plan and make your pledge or give your gift in full. Your contribution matters, and your commitment to our cause is deeply appreciated.

Let's make this vision a reality, one donation at a time; tell a friend, leverage your company's matching program, and get engaged! Thank you for being a part of the Black Alumni Network's journey towards a brighter future of diversity at the University of Texas - Hook 'em!

View photos of this amazing community and network here!

How to give: 

Online donations can be submitted through the Texas Exes website, a secure site that accepts Visa, Master Card, Discover, and American Express. The Texas Exes’ tax ID number is 74-1109640. 

Give to the Legacy Endowment today

Make a pledge to the Legacy Endowment. 

Mail-in donations can be sent directly to the Texas Exes. Please mail a check payable to The Texas Exes and, on the memo line, indicate "Legacy Endowment". Please mail to: Texas Exes, P.O. Box 142309, Austin, TX 78714.

You can also call the Texas Exes directly to donate to the Texas Exes Black Alumni Network's Legacy Endowment at 1-800-594-3939.

Interested in joining the Lifting as We Climb Circle? Make your pledge today by contacting the Texas Exes Black Alumni Network at