Chapter & Network Scholarships

One of the most tangible ways that alumni stay connected to the university is through participation in their local Texas Exes chapter or affinity network. Chapters are geographically based groups, both domestic and international, that engage alumni through social, community service, cultural, business networking, student development, and scholarship fundraising events. Networks are national groups organized around ethnicity, profession, or strong affinity to a UT student organization that engage alumni through events and philanthropy. Volunteers, spread out across more than 100 chapters and networks all over the nation and the world, raise money for scholarships to support students from their local communities.

Who can apply 

Entering freshmen; in some cases, current UT undergraduate and graduate students

Named Scholarships

Established by loyal alumni, friends, and students of The University of Texas at Austin, these scholarships serve as memorials to loved ones, pay tribute to the University, or honor special interest groups. Each scholarship has its own criteria, according to the wishes of the donor.

Who can apply

Entering freshmen, current UT undergraduate and graduate students, prospective transfer students